jQuery addClass to each element that has children with '.class'


Solution 1

I suspect your problem stems from the fact that your HTML is malformed, i.e. you need to close your spans.

<div id="container">
<a><span class="someclass"></span></a>
<a><span class="someclass"></span></a>

Additionally, your code can be simplified a bit by using :has to select only anchors that contain an element matching your desired class name:

$('#container a:has(.someclass)').addClass('anotherclass');

i.e. "select all anchors that are descendants of an element with ID container and that have a descendant with class someclass"

As Jon has pointed out, an alternative is to use a basic selector, then filter the resulting collection using a custom function:

$('#container a').filter(function(){
    return $(this).has('.someclass').length > 0

The function needs to return true for any element that you want to retain, and false for any element you don't.

Solution 2


$('#container a .someclass').parents('a').addClass('anotherClass');

Basically we work our way right down to find the elements with the class 'someclass': $('#container a .someclass'), and then from there work our way back up to the enclosing anchor: .parents('a'), which is where the class 'anotherclass' needs to be added.

Solution 3

jQuery('#container a .someclass').parent().addClass('anotherclass');​
Author by


Updated on July 18, 2022


  • rzr
    rzr almost 2 years

    I'm trying to add a Class to each anchor inside #somecontainer whose children have .someclass

    For example.

    <div id="container">
    <a><span class="someclass"></span></a>
    <a><span class="someclass">/span></a>

    In the above code i want the first and third anchors to have a class '.anotherclass' I tried this code but it doesn't seem to work

    jQuery('#container a').each(function(){

    Update: .has() returns a boolean and not jQuery object. That's why the code didn't work

  • John Dvorak
    John Dvorak over 11 years
    this will add the class to the span. This is not the desire.
  • Asad Saeeduddin
    Asad Saeeduddin over 11 years
    @Jon Do you mean for it to be used with a selector or a function?
  • Asad Saeeduddin
    Asad Saeeduddin over 11 years
    @JanDvorak I suspect it is because his HTML is malformed (unclosed spans)
  • John Dvorak
    John Dvorak over 11 years
    @Asad then I believe this will break under the same circumstances.
  • Waihon Yew
    Waihon Yew over 11 years
    @Asad: With a function, mainly for when selectors won't cut it.
  • rzr
    rzr over 11 years
    That code is just an example. The actual code doesn't have unclosed tags.
  • rzr
    rzr over 11 years
    anyway, this code works like charm. still wondering why my code doesn't work.
  • Asad Saeeduddin
    Asad Saeeduddin over 11 years
    @JanDvorak Yes, I've mentioned this in the answer.
  • Asad Saeeduddin
    Asad Saeeduddin over 11 years
    @Jon I've added a mention of filter to the answer. Thanks.