jQuery autocomplete minLength


You have a few syntactical errors, the document.ready handler is missing a brace (and is deprecated anyway) and a comma in your options, it should look like this:

$(function() {
             source: companyNames,
             select: SetLocations, 
             selectFirst: true, //here
             minLength: 0

Also, autocomplete activates after minLength characters, if you want it immediately, use 0, from the docs:

minLength: The minimum number of characters a user has to type before the Autocomplete activates. Zero is useful for local data with just a few items. Should be increased when there are a lot of items, where a single character would match a few thousand items.


Robin Maben
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Robin Maben

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Updated on October 13, 2020


  • Robin Maben
    Robin Maben over 3 years

    The autocomplete never fires on first character entered but 2nd. Although after using back-space it works for the minLength = 1. Also, the selectFirst:true never defaults to first item in the array on page load.

    $().ready(function (){ 
                     source: companyNames,
                     select: SetLocations, 
                     selectFirst :true,
                     minLength: 0  //corrected as suggested, but still no change

    Has anybody faced this behavior before. I'm clueless since I haven't any global settings/defaults.

  • Robin Maben
    Robin Maben over 13 years
    @Nick: Oh, thats my typo. Sorry. But cross-checked with my code. All commas in place.
  • Nick Craver
    Nick Craver over 13 years
    @conqenator - make sure to post your actual code, when you just make up code for the question it makes it nearly impossible to answer...you've got at least 2 copy errors in there, a cut/paste shouldn't have this...
  • Robin Maben
    Robin Maben over 13 years
    @Nick: Again, apologies. I dint know .ready() is deprecated. Does that play any role here?
  • Nick Craver
    Nick Craver over 13 years
    @conqenator - nope, using 1 instead of 0 is your root issue, but do fix the .ready() format none the less :)
  • Robin Maben
    Robin Maben over 13 years
    @Nick:Thanks for continuing to help with this. Upgraded to the new .ready() format. minLength: 0. Still, it fires at the 2nd character. And how would I go about setFirst:true. shouldn;t it set the value of the textbox on page load itself?
  • Nick Craver
    Nick Craver over 13 years
    @conqenator - Where is this selectFirst option coming from? jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete it's not part of 1.8 at least, are you using a different version?
  • Robin Maben
    Robin Maben over 13 years
    @Nick: jQuery UI 1.8.5 - it's autocomplete. The docs are valid for this version?
  • Nick Craver
    Nick Craver over 13 years
    @conqenator - yes...not sure where you found that option, but it's not in the jQuery UI code...
  • Robin Maben
    Robin Maben over 13 years
    @Nick: I think it's there until 1.8.4. github.com/scottgonzalez/jquery-ui-extensions/blob/master/…
  • Nick Craver
    Nick Craver over 13 years
    @conqenator - that's an extension, not pat of jQuery UI itself, do you have that extension included?
  • Robin Maben
    Robin Maben over 13 years
    @Nick: Yes, I have it included.