jquery: bind onclick


Solution 1

The second parameter to the bind function is a function itself. When you pass a function as a parameter, you must only supply the function name, not the opening/closing parenthesis or arguments.

In your case, if you'd like to pass parameters to the addFav function, you may do so by passing an anonymous function to bind, and within the body of that function, call addFav as you normally would with your parameters. Like this:

$(document).ready(function() {    
    $('a#fav').bind('click', function() {
        addFav(<?php echo $showUP["uID"]; ?>);

Solution 2

You need an anoymous function like this onload:

$(function() {    
    addFav(<?php echo $showUP["uID"]; ?>)

And this style in your success callbacks:

$('#fav').click(function() {

since #fav should be a unique ID, it's a much faster selector.

Or, pass it as the data argument to .bind(), like this:

$('a#fav').bind('click', { id: id }, addFav);

And in your function access it that way instead of as a parameter, like this:

function addFav(e){
  var id = e.data.id;
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Karem
    Karem almost 2 years
        $(document).ready(function() {    
        $('a#fav').bind('click', addFav(<?php echo $showUP["uID"]; ?>));

    was before

        $(document).ready(function() {    
        $('a#fav').bind('click', addFav);

    I added (<?php echo $showUP["uID"]; ?>) because i want the user profile´s id to work with in the addFav ajax call.

    So i have this at the bottom of my page and now even if i havnt clicked on the a#fav it runs it? But it doesnt run itself when i dont have the (id)

    Heres addFav in case:

    function addFav(id){
          url: "misc/favAdd.php",
          data: { id: id},
          success: function(){
                     .attr('title','[-] Remove as favorite')
                     .bind('click', removeFav(id))
                    jGrowlTheme('wallPop', 'mono', '[+] Favorit', 'Du har nu lagt till denna profil som favorit', 'images/addFavorit_hover2.png', 1000);
    function removeFav(id){
          url: "misc/favRemove.php",
          data: { id: id },
          success: function(){
                     .attr('title','[+] Add as favorite')
                     .bind('click', addFav(id))
                                jGrowlTheme('wallPop', 'mono', '[-] Favorit', 'Du har nu tagit bort denna profil som favorit', 'images/addFavorit_hover2.png', 1000);