Jquery click event propagation


Solution 1

You have to stop event bubbling. In jQuery you can do this by


in the onclick event of the anchor tag.



See this post

jquery Event.stopPropagation() seems not to work

Solution 2

I would use bind instead of live for both <tr> and <a> and the following code

$("a").bind("click", function(e){ alert("clicked!"); e.stopPropagation() });

for <a>.

All <a href>'s will work as expected and <tr> event handler code won't execute after clicking <a>.

Works in all modern browsers.

Author by


Updated on May 08, 2020


  • ozsenegal
    ozsenegal about 4 years

    I have a table with click events bound to its rows (<tr>). There are <a> elements inside those rows with their own click events assigned.

    Problem is, when i click on the <a> element, it also fires the click event from the parent <tr>. I don't want this behavior; I just want to fire the <a> click event.


     // Event row TR
     $("tr:not(:first)").click(function() {
        $(".window, .backFundo, .close").remove();
        var position = $(this).offset().top;
        position = position < 0 ? 20 : position;
        $("body").append( $("<div></div>").addClass("backFundo") );
        $("body").append( $("<div></div>").addClass("window")
             .html("<span class=close><img src=Images/close.png id=fechar /></span>")
          .append( "<span class=titulo>O que deseja fazer?</span>"
                  +"<span class=crud><a href=# id=edit>Editar</a></span>"
                  +"<span class=crud><a href=# id=delete codigo=" 
                  + $(this).children("td:first").html() 
                  + ">Excluir</a></span>" )
           .fadeIn("slow") );
     // <A> Element event
     $("a").live("click",function() { alert("clicked!"); });

    Whenever you click the anchor it fires event from it parent row. Any ideas?

  • ozsenegal
    ozsenegal over 14 years
    I've a normal table.Then I create new anchor elements promagamatically,and append to that rows.
  • rahul
    rahul over 14 years
    Try giving return false at the end of the anchor event handler.
  • Nick Craver
    Nick Craver over 14 years
    Add a e.preventDefault(); in there as well for good measure, there's some browser inconsistency between propagation prevention.
  • Antony Hatchkins
    Antony Hatchkins almost 13 years
    return false as well as e.preventDefault() will prevent the default click action (going to linked page) to happen - which is obviously not what OP wants