jQuery convert HTML Table to XML


Solution 1

If I understand your question correctly, you need to create the <schedule> elements inside your loop:

$("#load_get").click(function() {
    var xml = "";
    $("#result tr").each(function() {
        var cells = $("td", this);
        if (cells.length > 0) {
            xml += "<schedule name='" + cells.eq(0).text() + "'>\n";
            for (var i = 1; i < cells.length; ++i) {
                xml += "\t<data>" + cells.eq(i).text() + "</data>\n";
            xml += "</schedule>\n";

Solution 2

Try this:

    var xml = "";
    $('tr:not(:first)').each(function(i, tr){
        $tr = $(tr);
        var index = $.trim($tr.find('td:first').text());
        xml += '<schedule name="'+index+'">';
        $tr.find('td:not(:first)').each(function(j, td){
            xml += '<data>';
            xml += $.trim($(td).text());
            xml += '</data>';
        xml += '</schedule>';

Example here.

If you'd be using <thead> and <tbody> you could still simplify it slightly further.


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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • SydneyAu
    SydneyAu about 2 years

    I am retrieving HTML from a remote host with the following jQuery code

        var loadUrl = "URL.html"; 
            .load(loadUrl + " table.schedule");

    Which gives me the following HTML

    <table class="schedule">
                    <th>column A</th>
                    <th>column B</th>
    <table class="schedule">
                    <th>column C</th>
                    <th>column D</th>

    The number of TR & TDs can change, and I want to retrieve the data for column A,B,C,D and "transform" the HTML into a list format like the following XML.

    <schedule name="1">
    <schedule name="2">
    <schedule name="3">
    <schedule name="4">

    I have tried the following code, which provides me with the first column data, but it also concatenates all the TDs from both Tables into one list.

    var xml = "<schedule>";
    .find("tr").each(function() {
    xml += "<data>";
    xml += $(this).find("td").eq(1).html() + "\n";  
    xml += "</data>";
    } );
    xml += "</schedule>";

    Please help.


    Thank you Polarblau, Federic & Albert for your responses. They helped a lot, sorry to change the goal, but if i could modify the scenario slightly.

    This is the same HTML, except it has a header in the first TR, there are two tables and the first column is ignored as before.

    <table class="schedule">
    //second table

    The XML i wish to have, needs to grab the Header(TH) and use it in the TD loop to set the name attribute, like so.

    <schedule name="Header1">
    <schedule name="Header2">
    //second table xml

    I tried unsuccessfully, to modify your solutions to achieve this.