jQuery get the rendered height of an element?


Solution 1

It should just be


with jQuery. This retrieves the height of the first item in the wrapped set as a number.

Trying to use


only works if you have set the property in the first place. Not very useful!

Solution 2

Try one of:

var h = document.getElementById('someDiv').clientHeight;
var h = document.getElementById('someDiv').offsetHeight;
var h = document.getElementById('someDiv').scrollHeight;

clientHeight includes the height and vertical padding.

offsetHeight includes the height, vertical padding, and vertical borders.

scrollHeight includes the height of the contained document (would be greater than just height in case of scrolling), vertical padding, and vertical borders.

Solution 3

NON JQUERY since there were a bunch of links using elem.style.height in the top of these answers...





Or one of my favorite references: http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/

Solution 4

I use this to get the height of an element (returns float):


It also works when you use the virtual DOM. I use it in Vue like this:


For a Vue component:


Solution 5

You can use .outerHeight() for this purpose.

It will give you full rendered height of the element. Also, you don't need to set any css-height of the element. For precaution you can keep its height auto so it can be rendered as per content's height.

//if you need height of div excluding margin/padding/border

//if you need height of div with padding but without border + margin

// if you need height of div including padding and border

//and at last for including border + margin + padding, can use

For a clear view of these function you can go for jQuery's site or a detailed post here.

it will clear the difference between .height() / innerHeight() / outerHeight()

Author by


I like to code C# and work with the web. Still learning.

Updated on August 02, 2022


  • BuddyJoe
    BuddyJoe almost 2 years

    How do you get the rendered height of an element?

    Let's say you have a <div> element with some content inside. This content inside is going to stretch the height of the <div>. How do you get the "rendered" height when you haven't explicitly set the height. Obviously, I tried:

    var h = document.getElementById('someDiv').style.height;

    Is there a trick for doing this? I am using jQuery if that helps.