jQuery Parsing JSON Objects and Array


What you're after is simply this which is set at every iteration:



Given the raw response you've shown, you may need to decode it one more time:

$.each($.parseJSON(json_mc), function() {
Ganesh Yoganand
Author by

Ganesh Yoganand

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Ganesh Yoganand
    Ganesh Yoganand almost 2 years

    In the following code:

    $.getJSON('<?php echo $this->Html->url(array('controller'=>'accounts', 'action'=>'get_customers_order_mcs')); ?>/'+customer_order_id,
                        var json_mc = data.MasterCarton.mc;

    The data sent as response is as follows-

                                        "1":{\"mc_number\":\"Warehouse1\\\/2013-2014\\\/CO\\\/ABC Corp\\\/239\\\/101-Red-1\",\"config\":{\"S2\":10,\"S1\":10},\"delivered\":0},            "2":{\"mc_number\":\"Warehouse1\\\/2013-2014\\\/CO\\\/ABC Corp\\\/239\\\/101-Red-2\",\"config\":{\"S2\":10,\"S1\":10},\"delivered\":0},                  "3":{\"mc_number\":\"Warehouse1\\\/2013-2014\\\/CO\\\/ABC Corp\\\/239\\\/104-Black-3\",\"config\":{\"S1\":7,\"S2\":7,\"S5\":6},\"delivered\":0},               "4":{\"mc_number\":\"Warehouse1\\\/2013-2014\\\/CO\\\/ABC Corp\\\/239\\\/104-Black-4\",\"config\":{\"S1\":7,\"S2\":7,\"S5\":6},\"delivered\":0},              "5":{\"mc_number\":\"Warehouse1\\\/2013-2014\\\/CO\\\/ABC Corp\\\/239\\\/104-Black-5\",\"config\":{\"S1\":6,\"S2\":6,\"S5\":7},\"delivered\":0}

    The json array inside of mc is as shown below-

          "mc_number":"Warehouse1\/2013-2014\/CO\/ABC Corp\/239\/101-Red-1",
          "mc_number":"Warehouse1\/2013-2014\/CO\/ABC Corp\/239\/101-Red-2",
          "mc_number":"Warehouse1\/2013-2014\/CO\/ABC Corp\/239\/104-Black-5",

    I am trying to parse each object in it using jquery, and each object is as follows-

       "mc_number":"Warehouse1\/2013-2014\/CO\/ABC Corp\/239\/101-Red-1",

    To get the above object I using the following jquery code-

           // What should the code be so as to get each individual objects.         

    That is each and every time of .each should get me-

          "mc_number":"Warehouse1\/2013-2014\/CO\/ABC Corp\/239\/101-Red-1",
  • Ganesh Yoganand
    Ganesh Yoganand about 11 years
    Thanks for the answer jack but when i tried with your solution I am getting [, {, ", m, c ........... so on. So can you plese suggest me the way in which the whole object from { to } is obtained.
  • Ja͢ck
    Ja͢ck about 11 years
    @GaneshYoganand It works fine here. The results you're getting could be due to code that you haven't shown.
  • Ganesh Yoganand
    Ganesh Yoganand about 11 years
    I am getting the log like this. String { 0= "m" } add_sales_invoice (line 294) String { 0= "c" } add_sales_invoice (line 294) String { 0= "_" } add_sales_invoice (line 294) String { 0= "n" }
  • Ja͢ck
    Ja͢ck about 11 years
    @GaneshYoganand You will have to share some of that code, I have no idea what you're doing with the data.
  • Ganesh Yoganand
    Ganesh Yoganand about 11 years
    Jack please look at the question I have edited. I need each objects of mc. What can I do?