jQuery - Set datepicker's container to a specific div


Solution 1

The solution is to move the dataPicker's div to inside the hidden-absolute-positioned-div.

something like this (this is just the idea by @andrew but you need to improve css styling and other things):

Note that #dt1 is the input text for the date, #ui-datepicker-div is the datepicker's div and #bookingBox is the hidden-absolute-positioned-div.

dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy", 
showOn: "button", 
buttomText: "Arrival date",
buttonImage: "http://www.inbar.co.il/designFiles/Inbar_Ico_Calander.png", 
buttonImageOnly: true,
beforeShow:function(textbox, instance){
        position: 'absolute',
} });

Solution 2

Simplest solution which I've found is

   beforeShow:function(textbox, instance){
Author by


Saluton! My name is Alexander Margolis, I am 13 years old. I started programming about 4 years ago, by getting interested in DOS and Linux Operation Systems. I wanted to learn more and more, so I started in learning PHP from site in my native language. I started programming in Objective-C because my dad's friend bought an iPhone (It was 3 years ago, when iPhone 4 was the newest phone by Apple and wasn't papular in my country) So, I buyed an iPhone too, and fell in love with Apple. An year after that, I bought a Mac, an book about programming in Objective-C and started programming. I read over ten books about programming, nine about Objective-C and Cocoa-Touch and one about android (Java) programming.

Updated on July 17, 2022


  • smartDonkey
    smartDonkey almost 2 years

    I'm using jQuery UI datepicker on an div. the div hides and shows by moving mouse. as the datepicker are exist at the end of the <body> tag, not inside my div, the div disappears when I move the mouse to the datepicker.

    I loaded the datepicker like this:


        dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
        showOn: "button",
        buttomText: "Arrival date",
        buttonImage: "<button location>",
        buttonImageOnly: true,


    <input type="text" id="dt1" size="10" name="dt1" value="Arrival Date" />

    How can I set the container of the datepicker to a specific div?

    Edit: See it on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/G4NzC/