jQuery Slide Up Table Row


Solution 1

I suspect this is partly a browser issue. You shouldn't really target <tr />'s since browsers interpret them differently. Additionally they behave differently than block elements.

In this example: http://jsfiddle.net/lnrb0b/3t3Na/1/ your code works partially in chrome. The <tr /> is allowed styling (unlike in some IE versions) but you can't animate it. If you make it display:block no worries, but then it's a bit rubbish as a table :)

In this example: http://jsfiddle.net/lnrb0b/3t3Na/2/ you'll see I've animated the <td />'s but they barely work and painfully slowly at that.

Have a test of those and I'll try think of a solution in the meantime.

Solution 2

The most elegant way to handle the slide and removal is to wrap each td's inner contents with a div, and to simultaneously reduce the padding of the td and the height of the divs. Check out this simple demo: http://jsfiddle.net/stamminator/z2fwdLdu/1/

Solution 3

Sure, you can!

Wrap each td of the tr you want slide up into a div, then slide up those divs!

Of course, you have to animate the paddings (top and bottom) of each td.

Here you can find a full example here:


Extract of my source code:

var object = $(this);
object.parent().parent().addClass('deleteHighlight', 1000, function() {
    $(this).find('td').each(function(index, element) {

    // Wrap each td inside the selected tr in a temporary div
    $(this).wrapInner('<div class="td_wrapper"></div>');

    // Fold the table row
    $(this).parent().find('.td_wrapper').each(function(index, element) {

    // SlideUp the wrapper div

    // Remove padding from each td inside the selected tr
    $(this).parent().parent().find('td').each(function(index, element) {
            'padding-top': '0px',
            'padding-bottom': '0px'
        }, function() {

Solution 4

addClass does not accept a callback function, since it performed immediately. I think you may want something more like this.

object.parent().parent().addClass('deleteHighlight').slideUp(1000, function() {

Solution 5

The problem with animating table rows is that it has a display type of table-row, and you cannot simply change it to display:block because that will mess up the table structure. what you need to do is wrap the td contents in divs as in GianPero's answer, then slide those up, and the row height will automatically reduce with them. This code is a more simple version and will work on rows containing th tags as well as td.

var fadeSpeed = 400;
var slideSpeed= 300;
var row = $(this).parent().parent();

row.fadeTo(fadeSpeed, 0.01, () => {
    row.children('td, th')
        .animate({ padding: 0 })
        .wrapInner('<div />')
        .slideUp(slideSpeed, () => { row.remove(); });

You can modify the fadespeed and slidespeed to any duration in milliseconds or you can set them to jquery constants like 'slow' or 'fast'

Row animation code inspired by Animating Table Rows with jQuery

Oliver Spryn
Author by

Oliver Spryn

My first programming experience was a trial-by-fire adventure. It wasn't a "Hello World" application but a full-fledged, web-based learning management system. This exposure galvanized my career choice and prepared me to face a myriad of challenges head-on. My unconventional start continues to yield tangible successes in nearly every discipline I touch, whether on the technical, operational, or business level. Since then, I've been on a mission to make technology work seamlessly and feel invisible. I have delivered this continued success with a daily, sleeves-rolled-up approach. Whenever my superiors need their most complex projects to be built and flawlessly delivered, they ask my team. I keep a good rapport with my colleges and managers so that working as a team is flawless. Their confidence in me has enabled me to be at the forefront of the engineering and design efforts necessary to bring applications from 0 to over 600k users. Building projects of this quality becomes a craft. The concepts I've worked to develop, discover, and distill have worked so well that they have been featured on the droidcon blog, home of Europe's foremost Android conference. Whether my work is published on a prominent blog or neatly packed inside of some back-end service, I ensure that I conduct each of these projects with my full measure of integrity. This trait is essential in delivering healthy projects on time, and it sets the good projects apart from the great ones. Prominent Skills: Android, Kotlin, Gradle, Azure Media Services, Azure Functions, Cloudflare Workers, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Illustrator, All Forms of Communication, Videography, Listening, Critical Thinking

Updated on July 19, 2021


  • Oliver Spryn
    Oliver Spryn almost 3 years

    I am building a custom jQuery plugin which allows the user to delete records within a table in real-time, among many other things. When the records are deleted, I would like the the background-color of the deleted table row to turn red, then slide up out of view.

    Here is a snippet of my code below, which doesn't do any of the color changing animation, nor does it slide up the row. However, it does delete the row when what is supposed to be the slide up animation, finishes. Some things to know when reviewing the code below:

    1. The "object" variable is a jQuery reference to the object which was clicked and triggered the delete operation.
    2. The "object.parent().parent()" object is the row which is being deleted.
    3. The "deleteHighlight" CSS class contains the color which will turn the row a red color.
    4. The "addClass" method uses jQueryUI's "addClass" method, not jQuery's. It allows an animated effect and a callback.

    object.parent().parent().addClass('deleteHighlight', 1000, function() {
    //Fold the table row
      $(this).slideUp(1000, function() {
      //Delete the old row

    Here is the HTML on which this is being executed, nothing special:

    <table class="dataTable">
    <th>Content Snapshot</th>
    <tr class="odd" id="11" name="1">
    <td class="center width50"><a class="dragger"></a><a class="visibilityTrigger eyeShow"></a></td>
    <td class="center width150">Title</td>
    <div class="clipContainer">Content</div>
    <div class="hide contentContainer">Content</div>
    <div class="hide URLContainer">my-url</div>
    <td class="center width75"><a class="edit"></a><a class="delete"></a></td>

    Could someone please provide an example of how I can fix this?

    Thank you for your time.