Jquery Swipe without jQuery mobile library


If it's just jQuery mobile which you don't want to use, try hammer js which is lightweight and has a lot of options.

If however you're completely opposed to using any library at all have a look at the different touch events available:



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Alan A
Author by

Alan A

Updated on January 30, 2020


  • Alan A
    Alan A over 4 years

    I know that this subject has been covered extensively on Stackoverflow but I cannot find a definitive answer.

    I am successfully detecting if the client device is a touch screen:

    if(!!('ontouchstart' in window)){
         // detect swipe

    However, I cannot figure out how to detect a swipe/hover over an element. Please note that I want to be able to do this without the jquery mobile library.

    Here is my fiddle:


    Thank you in advance,


  • Alan A
    Alan A over 10 years
    Thanks hammer.js looks perfect for my needs!
  • Alan A
    Alan A over 10 years
    I don't seem to be able to detect a swipe or tap using hammer.js: $('.myElement').hammer().on("tap", ".nested_el", function(event) { alert('yes'); });
  • Alan A
    Alan A over 10 years
    I fixed it by referencing the id rather than the class