jsf 2.0 f:ajax render ID not found


The :form1:pp1 won't work since you have prependId="false" on the form. The pp1 won't work since it's then looking for the component in the same scope as <ui:repeat> which is by itself an UINamingContainer component.

Open the JSF page in webbrowser, rightclick and View Source to get the generated HTML. Locate the HTML element which is generated by <h:panelGroup id="pp1">. It should look something like this

<span id="foo:bar:pp1">

You need to use exactly this ID prefixed with : in the render attribute.

<f:ajax render=":foo:bar:pp1">

If there's an autogenerated ID part such as j_id0, then you need to give the parent component in question an fixed ID.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Amilask
    Amilask about 2 years

    When the Save button in the popup(pp1) clicked the projects list gets updated. But when press the update button in the projects list, the render ID :form1:pp1 is not there error comes when its being rendered. If do render="@all" it works, but its not good. ( error : <f:ajax> contains an unknown id ':form1:pp1')

    <h:form id="form1" prependid=false>
    <h:panelGroup id="projects">
    <ui:repeat var="action" value="#{dadadada}" varStatus="status">
    <h:commandButton value="Save">
    //gives id not found error
    <f:ajax event="click" execute="@form" render=":form1:pp1" listener="#{fsfsfsfsfs}" />
    </h:panelGroup> // project panel group
    <h:panelGroup id="pp1">
    <div id="popup2" class="popup_block">
    //save button in the popup
    <div class="popupBody_save2">
                <h:commandButton  image="resources/images/saveBtn.gif" value="Save">
                 <f:ajax event="click" execute="@form" render="projects" listener="#{dfsfssfs}" />
  • Matt Handy
    Matt Handy about 13 years
    Look in the generated html source and try to find out what's the real id of your panelGroup.
  • Amilask
    Amilask about 13 years
    as prependId= false, it displays as <span id="pp1"> which I should be able to access using render = ":pp1" isn't it? but id still can't find the element