JSF Primefaces set button enabled when table row is selected


Solution 1

One solution could be using

<p:ajax event="rowSelect" update=":deleteButton" listener="#{bean.someListener}" />

inside datatable.

This catches the row selection event, calls a listener and updates the button.

Now you could define the listener in the backing bean that just updates the value of a boolean instance variable, that reflects the disabled/enabled status of the button in the view:

<p:commandButton id="deleteButton" value="Delete" disabled="#{bean.selectedBoolean}" />

You can take a look at primefaces showcase for a similar scenario:


Hope this helps.

Solution 2

Thanks for jsfviky71 ! I write:

<h:form id="form">
<p:dataTable value="#{bean.patients}" var="item"
            selectionMode="single" rowKey="#{item.id}"
            selection="#{bean.selected}" >
     <p:ajax event="rowSelect" update=":form:deleteButton" listener="#{bean.onRowSelect}" />
 // data in rows

<p:commandButton id="deleteButton" value="Delete" disabled="#{bean.disabled}"/>

And in my bean:

private Boolean disabled = true;

// getter and setter

public void onRowSelect(SelectEvent event) {
    disabled = false;

Hope this will help to others

Oleksandr H
Author by

Oleksandr H

Updated on June 14, 2022


  • Oleksandr H
    Oleksandr H almost 2 years

    I have a list of users in a table and with disabled Delete button. I need to enable the Delete button when I select the row in the table. How can I do this?

    <p:dataTable value="#{userBean.patients}" var="item"
                selectionMode="single" rowKey="#{item.id}"
    onRowSelected="deleteButton.disabled='false';"> // HOW TO WRITE THIS EVENT CORRECTLY?????
    // columns
    //This button must be enable after I click on any table row
    <p:commandButton id="deleteButton" value="Delete" disabled="true" />

    Maybe, I need to use onRowClick event. I dont know the name of this event

    • Rong Nguyen
      Rong Nguyen almost 11 years
      Provide your code you have tried. When row was selected, you have to set enable=true and update delete button.
    • BalusC
      BalusC almost 11 years
      There are several ways to select a row in a PF datatable. Please tell/show how you're doing that. Only then we can tell how to hook a listener on that way.
    • Oleksandr H
      Oleksandr H almost 11 years
      I posted code in the topic