Karma/Jasmine spec -- Expected { } to equal { }


Post.cached is an instance of Cache, while your {} is just a boring ol' Object. Jasmine considers having a different constructor a valid reason to fail a toEquals comparison.

If you want to check equality as above, you can do something like:

var mockCache = new Cache();

Alternatively, you could just check if it's an empty object:


Thanks to Jeff Storey for the link to the code: https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine/blob/master/src/core/matchers/matchersUtil.js#L143

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Updated on June 14, 2022


  • Sasha
    Sasha almost 2 years

    I'm running a Karma spec to test the functionality of an Angular BaseClass for my models that is outlined in an Egghead.io tutorial.

    The behavior seems to be working, but I'm running into a weird error:

    PhantomJS 1.9.7 (Mac OS X) BCCache adds a cache to the model FAILED
      Expected {  } to equal {  }.
      Error: Expected {  } to equal {  }.

    What I could find of this error (it's hard to search, given the characters -- suggests that toEqual should be able to recognize the two objects' equivalence -- so I'm a little stumped.

    Here's the spec code (coffeescript) :

    describe 'BCCache', ->
      it "adds a cache to the model", ->

    And here's what it's testing:


      .factory "BCBase", ['BCCache', (Cache) ->
        Base = (attributes) ->
          _constructor = this
          _prototype = _constructor.prototype
          _constructor.cached = new Cache()
        return Base


      .factory 'BCCache', -> 
        Cache = ->    
        return Cache

    The spec is basically asserting that the cached method (currently) returns a new empty object, which the cache.coffee file seems to successfully do. But somehow, Karma doesn't see the two empty objects as equivalent. Any idea why? I'm a little stumped.

  • SomeKittens
    SomeKittens over 9 years
    @PSL Yep, turns out the issue was a misunderstanding of Jasmine's toEqual all along.
  • PSL
    PSL over 9 years
    That is what i commented in the question, way back your answer.. :D, probably i could have answered without commenting and clarifying.. lol.. huff it is a competitive environment.. :D
  • Sasha
    Sasha over 9 years
    Thanks everybody! That's an interesting one.
  • PSL
    PSL over 9 years
    @sasha Yeah pretty much. But I think this should have been answered by jeff storey or myself... since instead of arguing jasmine is wrong we investigated and pasted relevant parts that led to the answer.