Kendo UI grid URL Column


You can do this with a template:

columns: [{ field: "Title", title: "Title Name"},
          { field: "URL", title: "URL :", template: '<a href="#=URL#">#=Title#</a>'}]

You can try it out on the Kendo Dojo here:

Author by


Updated on June 12, 2022


  • Piyush
    Piyush almost 2 years

    I want to add a hyperlink in my Kendo UI Grid. from data source I am getting a URL back and I just want to to display it as a hyperlink . below is a sample code . Please suggest me the simplest way to do that.

     <div id="testGrid" data-role="grid" data-bind="source: sampleData"
    data-sortable="true"  data-resizable="true" />
    var sampleData = [
        { "Title": "The Code Project", "URL": "","Developer":"Tom Hanks" },
        { "Title": "Kendo UI", "URL": "" ,"Developer":"Tom Cruise"}
    var ddatasource=  new;
        dataSource: ddatasource,
        columns: [{ field: "Title", title: "Title Name"},
                  { field: "URL", title: "URL :"}]
  • Piyush
    Piyush almost 10 years
    Hi Rick, when I am specifying the template section in Declative initialization in "Data-columns" its throwing error. I am able to do what is desired using a <Table> and creating a template which forms the TR with URL but now the issue is that the alternate row stying is not being imposed.
  • Rick S
    Rick S almost 10 years
    Please update the kendo dojo code linked to in my answer so I can see what's going on.
  • Piyush
    Piyush almost 10 years
    Never mind. Id got rid of declarative stuff and you code worked for me....Thanks a ton for the help.