Label Not In List and KeyError


Solution 1

df.loc['name'] raises a KeyError because name is not in the index; it is in the columns. When you use loc, the first argument is for index. You can use df['name'] or df.loc[:, 'name'].

You can also pass boolean arrays to loc (both for index and columns). For example,

   main_id  name    code
3  2456     Slim    94

You can still select a particular column for this, too:

df.loc[df['main_id']=='2456', 'code']
3    94
Name: code, dtype: int64

With boolean indexes, the returning object will always be a Series even if you have only one value. So you might want to access the underlying array and select the first value from there:

df.loc[df['main_id']=='2456', 'code'].values[0]

But better way is to use the item method:

df.loc[df['main_id']=='2456', 'code'].item()

This way, you'll get an error if the length of the returning Series is greater than 1 while values[0] does not check that.

Solution 2

Alternative solution:

In [76]: df.set_index('main_id').at['2456','code']
Out[76]: 94
Danny W
Author by

Danny W

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Danny W
    Danny W almost 2 years

    I'm trying to get the value of a specific cell.

      main_id   name  code
      0    1345  Jones    32
      1    1543   Jack    62
      2    9874   Buck    86
      3    2456   Slim    94

    I want the cell that says code=94, as I already know the main_id but nothing else.

    raw_data = {'main_id': ['1345', '1543', '9874', '2456'],
            'name': ['Jones', 'Jack', 'Buck', 'Slim'],
            'code': [32, 62, 86, 94]}
        df=pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['main_id', 'name', 'code'])
        v=df.loc[str(df['main_id']) == str(2456)]['code'].values

    The print(df.loc['name']) claims the label is not in index

    And the v=df.loc[str(df['main_id']) == str(2456)]['code'].values says 'KeyError False'

  • Danny W
    Danny W almost 7 years
    Thanks for your help guys, very helpful.
  • D.S.
    D.S. over 5 years
    I know this is an old question, but there is a speedier way to get first you need to set main_id as an index of the dataframe and then you can do this df.loc['2456'] and it is much faster than the approach suggested in the answer