Laravel 5.1 @can, how use OR clause


Solution 1

You can use the Gate facade:

@if(Gate::check('permission1') || Gate::check('permission2'))


Solution 2

The @canany blade directive has been added to Laravel v.5.6.23 on May 24, 2018


@canany(['edit posts', 'delete posts'])
    <div class="actions">
        @can('edit posts')
            <button>Edit post</button>
        @can('delete posts')
            <button>Delete post</button>

Solution 3

I've added this directive in my Laravel 5.4 app that allows me to use a new @canany('write|delete') directive in my blade views.

// AppServiceProvider.php@boot()

Blade::directive('canany', function ($arguments) {
    list($permissions, $guard) = explode(',', $arguments.',');

    $permissions = explode('|', str_replace('\'', '', $permissions));

    $expression = "<?php if(auth({$guard})->check() && ( false";
    foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
        $expression .= " || auth({$guard})->user()->can('{$permission}')";

    return $expression . ")): ?>";

Blade::directive('endcanany', function () {
    return '<?php endif; ?>';

Example in blade view:


Here's the doc for extending Blade on 5.4

Solution 4

You can call @can multiple times.

@if( @can('permission1') || @can('permission2') )

@if( Gate::check('permission1') || Gate::check('permission2') )

Solution 5

Use can method on Authenticated User,

@if ( Auth::user()->can('permission1', App\Model::class) || Auth::user()->can('permission2',  App\Model::class) )

Author by


Updated on February 03, 2021


  • Marcaum54
    Marcaum54 over 3 years

    I did not find how to use a clause (OR, AND) in view with @can, for checking multiple abilities ...

    I tried:

    @can(['permission1', 'permission2']) 
    @can('permission1' or 'permission2')
    @can('permission1' || 'permission2')

    But dont work ;(

  • jfadich
    jfadich over 8 years
    @Marcaum54 What about it doesn't work? Does it give an error?
  • Marcaum54
    Marcaum54 over 8 years
    Follow error: FatalErrorException in /.../0681985e98a64fda6c3db7d157508293 line 53: Call to undefined function can() when generating the view he returned this: <?php if( @can('inscricoes') || @can('inscricoes-opec') ): ?>
  • tommy
    tommy over 8 years
    This compiles to <?php if(@can('permission1') || @can('permission2')): ?>. Note that @can() is a valid function call (the at-symbol suppresses warnings), but the can() method does not exist.
  • LorenzoBerti
    LorenzoBerti almost 7 years
    Is there difference from @can and this way? in this case, wich?
  • titleistfour
    titleistfour over 6 years
    Very nice! This should be in Laravel core.
  • Scott Salisbury
    Scott Salisbury over 5 years
    Do you know if @ canany supports passing the policy model? For example with @ can you can do @ can('edit', 'App\Post').
  • Clément Baconnier
    Clément Baconnier about 5 years
    @ScottSalisbury you can use e.g. @canany(['post.update', 'post.create'], [$post]) But it's not ideal since it's the same argument for both policies. I would recommend to make your own directive for the example I provided.
  • Zsolt Meszaros
    Zsolt Meszaros over 3 years
    Please, don't post code without an explanation as an answer. Try to explain what your code does and how it solves the problem of the question. Answers with an explanation are usually more helpful and of better quality, and are more likely to attract upvotes.