Laravel hasManyThrough


hasManyThrough is not the way at all. It works only for relations like this:

A hasMany/hasOne B, B hasMany/hasOne C, then A hasManyThrough C (through B)

What you have here is a many to many (belongsToMany), with meta being the pivot table.

So you can do this (assuming meta is table name, Booking and MetaType are models):

// Booking model
public function meta()
  return $this->belongsToMany('MetaType', 'meta', 'booking_id', 'metatype_id')
        ->withPivot([ ARRAY OF FIELDS YOU NEED FROM meta TABLE ]);

Then you can access all associated MetaType:

$booking->meta; // collection of MetaType models

query it like this (eager loading):

$booking = Booking::with(['meta' => function ($q) {

  // query related table
  $q->where('someFieldOnMetaTypeTable', 'someValue')

    // and / or pivot table
    ->wherePivot('someFieldOnMetaTable', 'anotherValue');


or set constraints on the related table to filter the Booking:

$booking = Booking::whereHas('meta', function ($q) {

  // query related table
  $q->where('someFieldOnMetaTypeTable', 'someValue')

    // and / or pivot table
    ->where('meta.someFieldOnMetaTable', 'anotherValue');


Note: wherePivot works only when you eager load the relationship, so you can't use it in whereHas closure.


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Updated on November 18, 2020


  • Greg
    Greg over 3 years

    I'm struggling to get my head around a hasManyThrough concept with laravel. I have three tables:

        -id (int)
        -some other fields
        -id (int)
        -booking_id (int)
        -metatype_id (int)
        -some other fields
        -id (int)
        -name (string)
        -some other fields

    What I am trying to get is an Eloquent model that allows me to have a single booking record with multiple Meta records of type MetaType. I thought that hasManyThrough might have solved this, but now I am thinking that perhaps this is not the best way.

    In my booking model I have

    public function bookingmeta() {
        return $this->hasMany('bookingmeta','booking_id');
    public function bookingmetatype() {
        return $this->hasManyThrough('bookingmetatype','bookingmeta','booking_id','bookingmetatype_id');

    But this fails to generate the correct SQL and fails. I get

    select `new_bookingmetatype`.*, `new_bookingmeta`.`booking_id` 
    from `new_bookingmetatype` 
    inner join `new_bookingmeta` 
    on `new_bookingmeta`.`bookingmetatype_id` = `new_bookingmetatype`.`id` 
    where `new_bookingmeta`.`booking_id` in (57103)

    Whereas what I am really trying to achieve is

    select `new_bookingmetatype`.*, `new_bookingmeta`.`booking_id` 
    from `new_bookingmetatype` 
    inner join `new_bookingmeta` 
    on `new_bookingmeta`.`id` = `new_bookingmetatype`.`bookingmetatype_id`  
    where `new_bookingmeta`.`booking_id` in (57103)

    If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

  • Milan Maharjan
    Milan Maharjan almost 9 years
    Thanks, this makes sense :)