Laravel many-to-many relation with custom table names and IDs


You are using custom columns and custom database naming.

Your Belongs to many is expecting a pivot table tblquestion_tblagecategory which does not exist. As the previos answer stated, you should change your belongsToMany to search for the custom tables and columns.

Change to this in your question Model

public function agecategories() 
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Agecategory', 'tblquestionagecategory', 'qac_que_id', 'qac_aca_id');

And also, in your other Agecategory Model

public function questions() 
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Question', 'tblquestionagecategory', 'qac_aca_id', 'qac_que_id');

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⭐🔮 Programming witch ✨ long timeAgo; int galaxyFar // far away...

Updated on September 15, 2022


  • Tinabot
    Tinabot over 1 year

    Hello so I have many to many relation between Question [table name: tblquestion, id: que_id] and Agecategory [table name: tblagecategory, id: aca_id]. They have shared table named QuestionAgecategory [table name: tblquestionagecategory, id: qac_id].

    I want to note that all the IDS and table names are custom named and not according to typical Laravel syntax.

    And I am trying to relate them in Laravel. So far it returns null when I try to look $question->agecategories;

    $question->agecategories; => null

    But it has records in it and returns this after $question = App\Question::find(1);

    $question = App\Question::find(1); => App\Question {#2901 que_id: 1, que_name: "hello",

    Question model

    class Question extends Model
        protected $table = 'tblquestion';
        protected $primaryKey = 'que_id';
        protected $keyType = 'integer'; 
        public $incrementing = true;
        public $timestamps = false;
        public function agecategories() 
            return $this->belongsToMany('App\Agecategory');

    Agecategory model

    class Agecategory extends Model
        protected $table = 'tblagecategory';
        protected $primaryKey = 'aca_id';
        protected $keyType = 'integer'; 
        public $incrementing = true;
        public function questions() 
            return $this->belongsToMany('App\Question');

    QuestionAgecategory model

    class QuestionAgecategory extends Model
        protected $table = 'tblquestionagecategory';
        protected $primaryKey = 'qac_id';
        protected $keyType = 'integer'; 
        public $incrementing = true;


          Schema::create('tblquestion', function (Blueprint $table) {
              $table->string('que_name', 128);
          Schema::create('tblagecategory', function (Blueprint $table) {
          Schema::create('tblquestionagecategory', function (Blueprint $table) {
  • Tinabot
    Tinabot over 5 years
    it still returns null even when I added the tblquestionagecategory and the keys. I was thinking that i needed to add the table. but it is really tricky with custom names making relations work. do i need to define something in the QuestionAgecategory model maybe?
  • Tinabot
    Tinabot over 5 years
    I still get this error: $agecategory->questions; Illuminate/Database/QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'yamldb.agecategory_question' doesn't exist (SQL: select tblquestion.*, agecategory_question.agecategory_aca_id as pivot_agecategory_aca_id, agecategory_question.question_que_id as pivot_question_que_id from tblquestion inner join agecategory_question on tblquestion.que_id = agecategory_question.question_que_id where agecategory_question.agecategory_aca_id = 1)'
  • Jinal Somaiya
    Jinal Somaiya over 5 years
    QuestionAgecategory model is not needed.
  • Erubiel
    Erubiel over 5 years
    thats when you make this changes? that's weird, because you are defining the table name 'tblquestionagecategory' and thats what it should look for...
  • Tinabot
    Tinabot over 5 years
    Yeah I know. And I really can't do much about it because I am getting these table names and all the details from the yaml file so that's why the table names are not usual to Laravel syntax. Also I messed a bit with the ID's (first I tried your solution and then I tried adding ID from the Questions table and connect it with the ID in the tblquestionagecategory's ID public function questions() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Question', 'tblquestionagecategory', 'aca_id', 'qac_aca_id'); } But that also didn't work.
  • Erubiel
    Erubiel over 5 years
    im taking a long shot... but maybe composer dumpauto or php artisan dump-autoload
  • Tinabot
    Tinabot over 5 years
    Now I am getting this error. I mean now at least it looks into right table? >>> $question->agecategories; Illuminate/Database/QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'tblquestionagecategory.que_id' in 'field list' (SQL: select tblagecategory.*, tblquestionagecategory.que_id` as pivot_que_id, tblquestionagecategory.qac_que_id as pivot_qac_que_id from tblagecategory inner join tblquestionagecategory on tblagecategory.aca_id = tblquestionagecategory.qac_que_id where tblquestionagecategory.que_id = 1)'`
  • Erubiel
    Erubiel over 5 years
    No, belongsToMany needs: 1 Related Model, 2 Specific pivot table (which works now) 3 foreign key of pivot table for Left side of the relation Model, 4 foreign key of pivot table for Related Model (1) --- it should be 'App\Question', 'tblquestionagecategory', 'qac_aca_id', 'qac_que_id'
  • Tinabot
    Tinabot over 5 years
    yah I know i switched it back to these keys but it still takes the old values even after I tried composer dump-autoload again . But the function from the Agecategory works! So it is just from the Question model function that still is stubborn. But I will mark this reply as my question answer :)
  • Erubiel
    Erubiel over 5 years
    Always recheck, also, if you are using homestead... (it shouldnt but) there may be some lag updating the files you modify outside homestead into homestead.
  • Tinabot
    Tinabot over 5 years
    Hey I know it's been a while but i was wondering do I need to specify any relations in the middle model - QuestionAgecategory ?