Laravel: share session data over multiple domains


Solution 1

  1. Capture the session id Session::getId() in Domain A
  2. send the captured session id via HTTP POST to Domain B
  3. Access the sent session id in domain B $sessionid_from_domainA = $_POST['session_from_A']
  4. Set session in domain B Session::setId($sessionid_from_domainA)
  5. Start Session in domain B Session::start()

Solution 2

If you want to share the session between multiple subdomains in that case you have to set the domain name config/session.php has set the domain name.

Example: if you have and so you have to set the domain name as

'domain'     => env('SESSION_DOMAIN_URL','')

Solutions there worked for me, specifically setting the domain and then clearing my browser cookies & cache.

Solution 3

  1. On domain A create an image like so <img src="{{ Session::getId() }}" style="display:none;" />

  2. On Domain B create a Route like so:


Route::get('setcookie', function(){
  return 'Cookie created';
  1. Done, Now you should be able to get your user by $user = Auth::User;

Solution 4

I know this is not exactly what was asked for, but, for development and testing purposes, I did this:

In config/session.php, try changing this line

'path' => '/',

Into this

'path' => '/;SameSite=None; secure',

allowed me to authenticate from different domains.

Now, you should be able to write a simple middleware to prevent unwanted hosts. Something like this.

namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Closure;

class TrustedHosts{
    public function handle($request, Closure $next){
        //$host = $request->getHost();
        $host = $request->headers->get('origin');
        $enviroment = env('APP_ENV');

        if ( $enviroment == 'development' ) {
            $trustedHosts = array('localhost', '');
        else {
            $trustedHosts = array('', '');
        $isHostTrusted = in_array($host, $trustedHosts);
        if ( !$isHostTrusted ) return response("I'm a teapot", 418); //Or any other code and message that you prefer.
        return $next($request);

And group it in the middleware group that includes the session stuff.

Solution 5

I am working on something like that too a single sign-on system, still working to find a solution, but here is a start

On laravel you can change the /app/config/session.php driver to cookie


This is what I have done.

You can share cookie accross domains using pixel images. For example when you login on you want to create a cookie on, right after login on you need to have something like this

<img src="">

on the route above:

  1. will check first if a user is logged in
    1. if its not logged in will read the hash (for example email address), check if there is a user with that email, and login it there, also set a cookie
Luuk Van Dongen
Author by

Luuk Van Dongen

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Luuk Van Dongen
    Luuk Van Dongen almost 2 years

    I'm building a multi-domain/multi-store ecommerce application in Laravel and would like to keep the user logged in when he or she changes from store to store.

    But for as far as I know Laravel's Auth service saves the logged in user in the session and the sessions can't be accessed by other domains.

    Is there a way (maybe a package) to achieve this, without leaving my application prone to possible security problems?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Omer Farooq
    Omer Farooq almost 8 years
    I wish it was possible but its not. If its the same laravel installation but with different domains, Once you login to your app from Domain A, you cant send a POST request to itself and start a session.
  • mateos
    mateos over 7 years
    WARNING: Do not send the email over in plain text, This means I could edit the html tag and basically log into any account on the other domain. Encrypt the text using your App Key.
  • mateos
    mateos over 7 years
    I found an easier way to do this, check my answer
  • mateos
    mateos over 6 years
    For anyone using this, I'm not certain to whether this method is secure, it was how google used to do it, however now they use OAuth
  • bksi
    bksi over 5 years
    For simple things that can be stored in a session, this is life saver
  • Harry Potts
    Harry Potts about 5 years
    I used this method, the only small change I made was to pass the encrypted session id, instead of the plain id. Like this: Session::setId(Crypt::decrypt($_GET['id'])); Also, I ran into an issue on IE9 and below. They require the P3P header to be set in order to have the cookie be set correctly for the other domain. So I added this line below the Session::start(): header('P3P: CP="This is not a policy"'); You can read more about P3P headers in this post.
    DAVID AJAYI about 4 years
    Better still just create a .env variable like ( Works for me with on same laravel project.
    DAVID AJAYI about 4 years
    Tested and NOT working. @Chirag answer works though
  • Luke Galea
    Luke Galea over 3 years
    Can cookie be issued to specific subdomains only? Such as and only? and not for other subdomains? To access the session from another Laravel project, do I have to implement the User model again? Should I change my driver to Cookie instead of file?
  • mujaffars
    mujaffars over 2 years
    @HarryPotts Does session need to be stored in database for this to work?
  • SaidbakR
    SaidbakR over 2 years
    I have a little problem with this approach. I use multiple dynamic dns domains. i.e, etc