Launch a Chrome app from command line


Solution 1

Answered thanks to @JacobVlijm .

To run a chrome app from command-line, use the following :

google-chrome --app-id=[app_id]

Assuming the path of google-chrome is /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome.

To retrieve the app id, search the first occurrence of the application name in /home/$USER/.local/share/applications .

Solution 2

After all the stuff I have executed following command, worked for me and open postman

google-chrome --app-id=fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop

Assume default configurations

Pattern: google-chrome --app-id=<extensionID>

To get the extension ID:

  • open chrome://extensions/ in your chrome browser
  • click "Details" button of Postman extension
  • view address on address bar, where url in format of chrome://extensions/?id=<extensionID> Copy extensionID from url and use it in command

In same way you can use any extension of google chrome


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • chalasr
    chalasr over 1 year

    I can't find how to launch a chrome app from a bash ?

    I'm trying to achieve this with Postman.

    From google-chrome -h, I tried (unfortunately) those ones :

    $ google-chrome --app="Postman"
    $ google-chrome --extension="postman"

    The result is that a new blank window is opened.

    My first guess is the app is stored on my machine and I need to open a specific file (the app index) to launch it.

    Is it possible to achieve this ?

    And if it's possible, how to do ?

    • Jacob Vlijm
      Jacob Vlijm about 8 years
      Probably if you open the corresponding .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications (drag it over an opened gedit window) you can see the correct command in the Exec= line.
    • chalasr
      chalasr about 8 years
      Perfect, thank you @JacobVlijm . The command use the --app-id=[id] I assume this id is permanent so I will create an alias, but do you know a way to launch it by its name ?
    • d a i s y
      d a i s y almost 7 years
      @JacobVlijm Why the question is not duplicate of What command should I type to run Chrome from the terminal?
    • chalasr
      chalasr almost 7 years
      @daisy because that's not the same question. This is about how to launch a chrome application, not chrome itself.
  • Jacob Vlijm
    Jacob Vlijm about 8 years
    Perfect, didn't have time to post an answer, but still wanted to help out :)
  • BarathVutukuri
    BarathVutukuri almost 7 years
    You can even get the app id from the Chrome Store URL for the particular application. Of course this works only if you have access to the internet :)
  • Vidar S. Ramdal
    Vidar S. Ramdal almost 5 years
    If you have multiple Chrome profiles, you need to add the profile directory to the command line, too: google-chrome --profile-directory=Default --app-id=[app-id]
  • yosefrow
    yosefrow about 4 years
    You can get an app id by 1. xprop WM_CLASS | sed -E 's/^.*crx_([a-z]+)".*$/\1/g') 2. click the app