Leaflet Map API with Google Satellite Layer


Solution 1

Leaflet has an official page for publishing all available plugins: http://leafletjs.com/plugins.html

You will find plugins there for adding Google layers support to Leaflet.

Solution 2

You don't need a plugin or the Google API, you can add it as a XYZ tile layer.


googleStreets = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.google.com/vt/lyrs=m&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',{
    maxZoom: 20,


googleHybrid = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.google.com/vt/lyrs=s,h&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',{
    maxZoom: 20,


googleSat = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',{
    maxZoom: 20,


googleTerrain = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.google.com/vt/lyrs=p&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',{
    maxZoom: 20,

Note the difference in the "lyrs" parameter in the URL:
Hybrid: s,h;
Satellite: s;
Streets: m;
Terrain: p;

Solution 3

There's a third-party plugin for it: Demo: http://psha.org.ru/leaflet/bel.html (switch to Google Maps with the switcher) Source: http://psha.org.ru/leaflet/Google.js

Solution 4

this repository contains few tile layers google and other and very useful other plugins: https://github.com/shramov/leaflet-plugins

Solution 5

Google title layer with Traffic

var googleTraffic = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@221097413,traffic&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}', {
        maxZoom: 20,
        minZoom: 2,
        subdomains: ['mt0', 'mt1', 'mt2', 'mt3'],

Please see their General Terms

Hope someone helps this

Author by


merge keep

Updated on September 27, 2020


  • fnllc
    fnllc almost 4 years

    I'm very interested in the Leaflet Map API.

    However, I need to be able to use the Google Satellite Layer. I have not been able to find an example on how to add a Google Satellite Layer to Leaflet. I understand that I will still need to load the Google Maps API to do this (OpenLayers has an example).

  • nickdos
    nickdos almost 9 years
    demo is broken for me
  • Titsjmen
    Titsjmen over 8 years
    Is it possible to change the projection of googleSat? Or where can I find the projection of googleSat?
  • William Walseth
    William Walseth over 8 years
    Thanks, this is a really great approach, much better than adding in more plugins.
  • 33v
    33v over 8 years
    Thanks this is good. In fact its so good it made me laugh at all the plugins I've been loading. Thank you so much for sharing.
  • rr1g0
    rr1g0 about 8 years
    Is there a way to add google's traffic layer on top of it?
  • capie69
    capie69 about 8 years
    Don't think it is possible to add Google Traffic. Apparently there is no direct access to the raw traffic data and the TOS prohibits it.
  • Adam
    Adam about 8 years
    Its maybe worth mentioning that the Terms of Use from Google forbid any means of tile access other than through the Google Maps API.
  • Andi
    Andi over 7 years
    Hey @Adam, do you mind linking to where that's stated in the ToS? I can't find it.
  • tempranova
    tempranova over 7 years
    @Andi, developers.google.com/maps/terms check out section 10.4e.
  • dca
    dca about 7 years
    demo displays nothing for me
  • SymbolixAU
    SymbolixAU about 7 years
    @rr1g0 - you can add traffic onto a Google Map using my googleway package
  • fnllc
    fnllc about 7 years
  • Elton Santos
    Elton Santos over 6 years
    A doubt, its free this plugin google maps? I have a project with Leaflet and need this. Can I use freely?
  • Tim Autin
    Tim Autin almost 6 years
    @Adam It was more section 10.5.c I think. And I guess it will be Section 3.2.4.a in the new ToS (cloud.google.com/maps-platform/terms), but it's a bit unclear.
  • Adam
    Adam almost 6 years
    @TimAutin I actually did not write that comment, but after reading the ToS I am pretty sure its 10.4e. But maybe also notable that MapBox.com is a very good alternative to Google after they raised the prices.
  • Tim Autin
    Tim Autin almost 6 years
    @Adam oh sorry, thought it was you. Note that 10.4.e is talking about "Maps API implementation" ("Maps" in uppercase), not "a mapping API". I think they're talking about Google Maps API only here. To me that sentence means that with the Google Maps API, you can't show Google traffic data (for instance) above an OSM map. But it doesn't matter, in the end it's clearly forbidden to display a Google Map in another API, unless you have Google's written consent (like OpenLayers have).
  • Rafi Ullah Patel
    Rafi Ullah Patel about 5 years
    @capie69 roadmap is possible?
  • prusswan
    prusswan over 4 years
    @TimAutin The relevant clause in the current ToS seems to be: [3.2.4] (e) No Use With Non-Google Maps. Customer will not use the Google Maps Core Services in a Customer Application that contains a non-Google map. For example, Customer will not (i) display Places listings on a non-Google map, or (ii) display Street View imagery and non-Google maps in the same Customer Application.
  • prusswan
    prusswan over 4 years
    A liberal interpretation would be that it is okay to use the XYZ tile urls since they are public (no key needed, so you don't even need a Google account)
  • Derek
    Derek over 4 years
    You cannot use ESRI layers without a license - see downloads2.esri.com/ArcGISOnline/docs/tou_summary.pdf
  • Mohammed Sohail Ebrahim
    Mohammed Sohail Ebrahim over 3 years
    is this allowed without a license or subscription?
  • Rahul Mahadik
    Rahul Mahadik over 3 years
    @MohammedSohailEbrahim Please go through their General Terms. otherwise Mapbox is also good option.
  • Mohammed Sohail Ebrahim
    Mohammed Sohail Ebrahim over 3 years
    is there anything that sticks out? @rahul