
Solution 1

You can pass a string that is the join-sql too. eg joins("LEFT JOIN StudentEnrollment se ON c.id = se.course_id")

Though I'd use rails-standard table naming for clarity:

joins("LEFT JOIN student_enrollments ON courses.id = student_enrollments.course_id")

Solution 2

If anyone came here looking for a generic way to do a left outer join in Rails 5, you can use the #left_outer_joins function.

Multi-join example:


 select('sources.id', 'count(metrics.id)').
 where('ports.auto_delete = ?', true).
 having('count(metrics.id) = 0').


SELECT sources.id, count(metrics.id)
  FROM "sources"
  INNER JOIN "ports" ON "ports"."id" = "sources"."port_id"
  LEFT OUTER JOIN "metrics" ON "metrics"."source_id" = "sources"."id"
  WHERE (ports.auto_delete = 't')
  GROUP BY sources.id
  HAVING (count(metrics.id) = 0)
  ORDER BY "sources"."id" ASC

Solution 3

There is actually a "Rails Way" to do this.

You could use Arel, which is what Rails uses to construct queries for ActiveRecrods

I would wrap it in method so that you can call it nicely and pass in whatever argument you would like, something like:

class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
  def left_join_student_enrollments(some_user)
    courses = Course.arel_table
    student_entrollments = StudentEnrollment.arel_table

    enrollments = courses.join(student_enrollments, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin).

      student_enrollments: {student_id: some_user.id, id: nil},
      active: true

There is also the quick (and slightly dirty) way that many use

    student_enrollments: {student_id: some_user.id, id: nil}, 
    active: true

eager_load works great, it just has the "side effect" of loding models in memory that you might not need (like in your case)
Please see Rails ActiveRecord::QueryMethods .eager_load
It does exactly what you are asking in a neat way.

Solution 4

Combining includes and where results in ActiveRecord performing a LEFT OUTER JOIN behind the scenes (without the where this would generate the normal set of two queries).

So you could do something like:

Course.includes(:student_enrollments).where(student_enrollments: { course_id: nil })

Docs here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#specifying-conditions-on-eager-loaded-associations

Solution 5

Adding to the answer above, to use includes, if you want an OUTER JOIN without referencing the table in the where (like id being nil) or the reference is in a string you can use references. That would look like this:



Course.includes(:student_enrollments).references(:student_enrollments).where('student_enrollments.id = ?', nil)



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Updated on October 24, 2020


  • Khanetor
    Khanetor over 3 years

    I have 3 models:

    class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_many :student_enrollments, dependent: :destroy
      has_many :courses, through: :student_enrollments
    class Course < ActiveRecord::Base   
        has_many :student_enrollments, dependent: :destroy
        has_many :students, through: :student_enrollments
    class StudentEnrollment < ActiveRecord::Base
        belongs_to :student
        belongs_to :course

    I wish to query for a list of courses in the Courses table, that do not exist in the StudentEnrollments table that are associated with a certain student.

    I found that perhaps Left Join is the way to go, but it seems that joins() in rails only accept a table as argument. The SQL query that I think would do what I want is:

    SELECT *
    FROM Courses c LEFT JOIN StudentEnrollment se ON c.id = se.course_id
    WHERE se.id IS NULL AND se.student_id = <SOME_STUDENT_ID_VALUE> and c.active = true

    How do I execute this query the Rails 4 way?

    Any input is appreciated.

    • PJSCopeland
      PJSCopeland almost 6 years
      If the record doesn't exist in StudentEnrollments, surely se.student_id = <SOME_STUDENT_ID_VALUE> would be impossible?
  • Bhushan Kawadkar
    Bhushan Kawadkar almost 10 years
    It is better to add some explanation to your answer posted.
  • Khanetor
    Khanetor almost 10 years
    My solution ended up being: query = "LEFT JOIN student_enrollments ON courses.id = student_enrollments.course_id AND" + " student_enrollments.student_id = #{self.id}" courses = Course.active.joins(query) .where(student_enrollments: {id: nil}) It's not as Rails as I want it to be, though it gets the job done. I tried using .includes(), which does the LEFT JOIN, but it does not let me specify an extra condition on joining. Thanks Taryn!
  • Taryn East
    Taryn East almost 10 years
    Great. Hey, sometimes we do what we do to get it working. Time for coming back to it and making it better in the future... :)
  • mrbrdo
    mrbrdo over 8 years
    I just have to say I can't believe ActiveRecord still has no built-in support for this after so many years. It's completely unfathomable.
  • animatedgif
    animatedgif about 8 years
    Sooooo when can Sequel become the default ORM in Rails?
  • Adit Saxena
    Adit Saxena almost 8 years
    Rails shouldn't become bloated. Imo they got it right when they decided to extract gems out which were bundled by default in the first place. The philosophy is "do less but good" and "pick what you want"
  • Murad Yusufov
    Murad Yusufov about 7 years
    Rails 5 has support for LEFT OUTER JOIN: blog.bigbinary.com/2016/03/24/…
  • iNulty
    iNulty over 6 years
    Squeel is an unsupported library, not recommended
  • textral
    textral over 6 years
    To avoid eager_load's "side effect", see my answer
  • Fangxing
    Fangxing over 6 years
    Thanks, I want to mention for cross association left outer joins, use left_outer_joins(a: [:b, :c])
  • a2f0
    a2f0 over 5 years
    This is interesting.
  • a2f0
    a2f0 over 5 years
    Will this work for a deeply nested relation or does the relation need to hang directly off the model being queried? I cant seem to find any examples of the former.
  • alexventuraio
    alexventuraio over 4 years
    Also you have available left_joins for short and behave the same way. Eg.left_joins(:order_reports)
  • Andre Figueiredo
    Andre Figueiredo over 4 years
    +1 but you can improve a little more and use select(:id) instead of pluck(:id) and prevent materializing inner query, and leaving it all to database.
  • Joshua Pinter
    Joshua Pinter over 4 years
    @TarynEast "Make it work, make it fast, make it beautiful." :)
  • Volte
    Volte over 4 years
    The question is specifically targetting Rails 4.2.
  • RaphaMex
    RaphaMex about 4 years
    Love it! Just had to replace joins by includes and it did the trick.
  • Lorin Thwaits
    Lorin Thwaits almost 2 years
    Love this recursive solution!