let vs def in clojure


Solution 1

The problem is that your use of let is wrong.

let works like this:

(let [identifier (expr)])

So your example should be something like this:

(let [s (Scanner. "a b c")]

You can only use the lexical bindings made with let within the scope of let (the opening and closing parens). Let just creates a set of lexical bindings. I use def for making a global binding and lets for binding something I want only in the scope of the let as it keeps things clean. They both have their uses.

NOTE: (Class.) is the same as (new Class), it's just syntactic sugar.

Solution 2

LET is not "make a lexical binding in the current scope", but "make a new lexical scope with the following bindings".

(let [s (foo whatever)]
  ;; s is bound here
;; but not here
(def s (foo whatever))
;; s is bound here

Solution 3

Simplified: def is for global constants, let is for local variables.

Solution 4

Correct syntax:

(let [s (Scanner. "a b c")] ...)

Solution 5

You could think of let as syntactic sugar for creating a new lexical scope with fn then applying it immediately:

(let [a 3 b 7] (* a b))  ; 21
; vs.
((fn [a b] (* a b)) 3 7) ; 21

So you could implement let with a simple macro and fn:

(defmacro fnlet [bindings & body]
  ((fn [pairs]
    `((fn [~@(map first pairs)] ~@body) ~@(map last pairs)))
   (partition 2 bindings)))

(fnlet [a 3 b 7] (* a b)) ; 21
Jason Baker
Author by

Jason Baker

I'm a developer on Google's Cloud Console.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Jason Baker
    Jason Baker almost 2 years

    I want to make a local instance of a Java Scanner class in a clojure program. Why does this not work:

    ; gives me:  count not supported on this type: Symbol 
    (let s (new Scanner "a b c"))

    but it will let me create a global instance like this:

    (def s (new Scanner "a b c"))

    I was under the impression that the only difference was scope, but apparently not. What is the difference between let and def?