Linux: Kill process on specific port


Solution 1

You can use

sudo netstat -tupln

to show what is listening on what port. You should see something similar to this (I've simplified the output somewhat).

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      2472/apache2

That fourth column ( in my example) will show you the port number (80 here) and the final column (2472/apache2) will show you the PID (2472).

You can then issue

sudo kill -15 PID

where PID is the PID we found with the previous command. This will send SIGTERM to the process. If that fails, you may need to

sudo kill -9 PID

but that is generally a less friendly way to kill process. For more info, you should checkout

man kill

Solution 2

  1. list all listening port:

    netstat -antu

  2. take the correspondent one, let's say 80 and kill it using this:

    kill -9 $( lsof -i:80 -t )

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • user2823345
    user2823345 over 1 year

    How to kill a process if its port is known? For example if a process is running at port 12345 then how it can be terminated in linux/ubuntu.

  • J-Cake
    J-Cake about 5 years
    I've been searching for a simple solution. This is it. It should be accepted. Thanks for the great response.