List all jobs, which were running on a specific slave node


Solution 1

You can use Description Setter Plugin like the following:

enter image description here

Then you will have node label in the description of each build:

enter image description here

Solution 2

Now I would like to list all jobs, which were running on a specific slave node.

I didn't find any existed plugin to solve the problem. But you can automate it a bit with a Jenkins Script Console. Here is a simple groovy script that iterates through job's builds and checks whether that build was built on a concrete node:

def jobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items

nodeName = 'YOUR_NODE_NAME'

jobs.each { job ->
  urls = []
  job.builds.each { build ->
    nodeName == build.builtOnStr && urls << build.absoluteUrl
  urls && println("${}\n\t${urls.sort().join('\n\t')}")

Sample output:


If you would like to go further, you could use it to prepare some clickable html report. First that comes to the mind is to send emails with Email-ext plugin.

Note: that script will not work with nodeName = 'master'. This should be expected 'cause master, actually, is not a node.

Solution 3

I've solved it like this using the script console

for (item in hudson.model.Hudson.getInstance().getItems()) {
  if (item instanceof hudson.model.FreeStyleProject) {
    if (item.getAssignedLabel() != null && item.getAssignedLabel().getName() == 'master') {
      println(item.getName() + " " + item.getAssignedLabel())
Flow Rei Ser
Author by

Flow Rei Ser

Updated on June 10, 2022


  • Flow Rei Ser
    Flow Rei Ser almost 2 years

    On our Jenkins master a Multi-configuration project is used to spread a highly parallel task on many slaves which actually do the work.

    Now I would like to list all jobs, which were running on a specific slave node. Is there a way to achieve this? I see only all matrix sub jobs for one matrix parent job in a big table. Or I can list the history of a single sub job. But if I want to get the connection to the node, where the job was running on, I always have to check the logs.