List of tables, db schema, dump etc using the Python sqlite3 API


Solution 1

You can fetch the list of tables and schemata by querying the SQLITE_MASTER table:

sqlite> .tab
job         snmptarget  t1          t2          t3        
sqlite> select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table';

sqlite> .schema job
    data VARCHAR
sqlite> select sql from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = 'job';
    data VARCHAR

Solution 2

In Python:

con = sqlite3.connect('database.db')
cursor = con.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")

Watch out for my other answer. There is a much faster way using pandas.

Solution 3

The FASTEST way of doing this in python is using Pandas (version 0.16 and up).

Dump one table:

db = sqlite3.connect('database.db')
table = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from table_name", db)
table.to_csv(table_name + '.csv', index_label='index')

Dump all tables:

import sqlite3
import pandas as pd

def to_csv():
    db = sqlite3.connect('database.db')
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
    tables = cursor.fetchall()
    for table_name in tables:
        table_name = table_name[0]
        table = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from %s" % table_name, db)
        table.to_csv(table_name + '.csv', index_label='index')

Solution 4

I'm not familiar with the Python API but you can always use

SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;

Solution 5

Here's a short and simple python program to print out the table names and the column names for those tables (python 2. python 3 follows).

import sqlite3

db_filename = 'database.sqlite'
newline_indent = '\n   '

db.text_factory = str
cur = db.cursor()

result = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()
table_names = sorted(zip(*result)[0])
print "\ntables are:"+newline_indent+newline_indent.join(table_names)

for table_name in table_names:
    result = cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('%s')" % table_name).fetchall()
    column_names = zip(*result)[1]
    print ("\ncolumn names for %s:" % table_name)+newline_indent+(newline_indent.join(column_names))

print "\nexiting."

(EDIT: I have been getting periodic vote-ups on this, so here is the python3 version for people who are finding this answer)

import sqlite3

db_filename = 'database.sqlite'
newline_indent = '\n   '

db.text_factory = str
cur = db.cursor()

result = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()
table_names = sorted(list(zip(*result))[0])
print ("\ntables are:"+newline_indent+newline_indent.join(table_names))

for table_name in table_names:
    result = cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('%s')" % table_name).fetchall()
    column_names = list(zip(*result))[1]
    print (("\ncolumn names for %s:" % table_name)

print ("\nexiting.")

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Author by


Senior Software Engineer. Tech Lead at Kaltura.

Updated on January 18, 2022


  • noamtm
    noamtm over 2 years

    For some reason I can't find a way to get the equivalents of sqlite's interactive shell commands:


    using the Python sqlite3 API.

    Is there anything like that?

    • unode
      unode over 13 years
      I suggest renaming the question to something non python specific since the answer is actually universal to interfaces that use SQL.
    • noamtm
      noamtm over 13 years
      True, although I was expecting a python API when asking it. I'll try to find the right name.
    • Bennett Brown
      Bennett Brown over 9 years
      If wanting to show tables from the sqlite3 command prompt, refer to…. If using Python package sqlite3, see Davoud Taghawi-Nejad's answer here. I suggest the OP add Python back into the question title and select Davoud's answer. I found this page by googling "show tables Python sqlite3" since Google knows the old question title. Searches within SO would fail to land here. Without the Python angle, the linked duplicate question 82875 has received far more crowd wisdom.
  • Angel
    Angel over 15 years
    I'm trying: import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect("test.db") con.dump() It fails... I keep checking
  • RobinL
    RobinL over 10 years
    Be careful with this, it will print all the data in your tables if they are populated with INSERT INTO statements!
  • nealmcb
    nealmcb over 9 years
    I got lots of errors in the snippet you wrote, and don't see e.g. "db_alias" in either the referenced docs or in other examples. In the context of the other examples, I think you want this line, for e.g. the Job table: meta = cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info('Job')") And your first line seems unrelated to the rest.
  • T.Woody
    T.Woody over 5 years
    For users coming to copy/paste: Be sure to cursor.close() and db.close().
  • T.Woody
    T.Woody over 5 years
    For users coming to copy/paste: Be sure to cursor.close() and db.close()
  • frans
    frans almost 5 years
    or better use with sqlite3.connect('database.db') as db:
  • a_a_a
    a_a_a over 4 years
    This seems to be the correct answer yet the OP approved another one...
  • woggioni
    woggioni over 4 years
    Jupyter Notebook and Pandas are not required to answer this question
  • Mooncrater
    Mooncrater over 4 years
    @a_a_a Umm 4 year difference?
  • jbuddy_13
    jbuddy_13 about 4 years
    sqlite> .schema job invalid syntax in python...what am I missing?
  • Pro Q
    Pro Q about 4 years
    @jbuddy_13 see the other answer
  • user66081
    user66081 about 4 years
    No need to slam such a useful answer. Although, as usual, a context manager is recommended.
  • converter42
    converter42 about 4 years
    @jbuddy_13 sqlite> is the sqlite command line client prompt. The purpose of the example was to demonstrate how one could query the database to list tables and schema.
  • NL23codes
    NL23codes about 4 years
    I find this to be the cleanest and most useful answer.
  • Kostas Markakis
    Kostas Markakis over 3 years
    sorry but i really dont know why this is the accepted answer, the question is specific for python not SQL language
  • ViFI
    ViFI over 3 years
    Thankfully, INSERT INTO statements are single line so easy to escape with if line.startswith("INSERT INTO") ...
  • converter42
    converter42 over 3 years
    @KostasMarkakis is it really that difficult to imagine how the information I listed might lead to a solution using the API?
  • Tim
    Tim over 2 years
    Since this post is for newer programmers you could include the import statements import sqlite3 import pandas as pd
  • cards
    cards about 2 years
    Remark on the name of the "db schema": (at present time!) should be sqlite_schema and sqlite_master is kept for "historical compatibility", see doc