LiveData update on object field change


Solution 1

I don't think there is any best practice as such recommended by android for this. I would suggest you to use the approach which uses cleaner & less boilerplate code.

If you are using android data binding along with LiveData you can go with the following approach:

Your POJO object would look something like this

public class User extends BaseObservable {
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;

    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;

    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;

So you would be already having a class which notifies whenever its property changes. So you can just make use of this property change callback in your MutableLiveData to notify its observer. You can create a custom MutableLiveData for this

public class CustomMutableLiveData<T extends BaseObservable>
        extends MutableLiveData<T> {

    public void setValue(T value) {

        //listen to property changes

    Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback callback = new Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback() {
        public void onPropertyChanged(Observable sender, int propertyId) {

            //Trigger LiveData observer on change of any property in object



Then all you need to do is use this CustomMutableLiveData instead of MutableLiveData in your View Model

public class InfoViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {

    CustomMutableLiveData<User> user = new CustomMutableLiveData<>();

So by doing this you can notify both view & LiveData observer with little change to existing code. Hope it helps

Solution 2

When using MVVM and LiveData, you can re-bind the object to the layout so it will trigger all changes on the UI.

Given "user" is a MutableLiveData<User> in the ViewModel


class SampleViewModel : ViewModel() {
    val user = MutableLiveData<User>()

    fun onChange() {
        user.value.firstname = "New name"
        user.value = user.value // force postValue to notify Observers
        // can also use user.postValue()

Activity/Fragment file:

viewModel = ViewModelProviders

// when viewModel.user changes, this observer get notified and re-bind
// the user model with the layout.
viewModel.user.observe(this, Observer {
    binding.user = it //<- re-binding user

Your layout file shouldn't change:

        type="com.project.model.User" />



Solution 3

If you are using Kotlin and LiveData, I can offer you 2 ways - with and without extension fucntion:

Without extension function

liveData.value = liveData.value?.also { it ->
    // Modify your object here. Data will be auto-updated = "Ed Khalturin"
    it.happyNumber = 42

Same, but with extension

// Extension. CopyPaste it anywhere in your project
fun <T> MutableLiveData<T>.mutation(actions: (MutableLiveData<T>) -> Unit) {
    this.value = this.value

// Usage
liveData.mutation {
    it.value?.name = "Ed Khalturin"
    it.value?.innerClass?.city= "Moscow" // it works with inner class too

Solution 4

From reddit - @cedrickc's answer :

add an extension function to MutableLiveData:

fun <T> MutableLiveData<T>.modifyValue(transform: T.() -> T) {
   this.value = this.value?.run(transform)

Solution 5

How can I make sure when some filed in user object changes observers get notified? BTW it is important to me to keep this data in the separate object and not use primary values like Strings in my ViewModel.

You can use androidx.lifecyle.Transformation class to monitor for individual fields.

val user = MutableLiveData<User>();
//to monitor for User.Name
val firstName: LiveData<String>  = {it.firstName}
val lastName: LiveData<String>  = {it.lastName}

you update user as per normal, and listen for firstname/lastname to monitor for changes in those fields.

Alireza Ahmadi
Author by

Alireza Ahmadi

Checkout my LinkedIn profile for more info

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Alireza Ahmadi
    Alireza Ahmadi almost 2 years

    I'm using Android MVVM architecture with LiveData. I have an object like this

    public class User {
        private String firstName;
        private String lastName;
        public String getFirstName() {
            return firstName;
        public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
            this.firstName = firstName;
        public String getLastName() {
            return lastName;
        public void setLastName(String lastName) {
            this.lastName = lastName;

    And my view model looks like this

    public class InfoViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
        MutableLiveData<User> user = new MutableLiveData<>();
        public InfoViewModel(@NonNull Application application) {
            User user = new User();
        public LiveData<User> getUser(){
            return user;
        public void change(){
            user.getValue().setFirstName(user.getValue().getFirstName() + " A ");

    How can I make sure when some field in user object changes observers get notified? BTW it is important to me to keep this data in the separate object and not use primary values like Strings in my ViewModel.

  • Sup.Ia
    Sup.Ia over 5 years
    I do not know that why . in my class could not find BR.
  • Abhishek V
    Abhishek V over 5 years
    @Sup.Ia Re-build the project to generate BR file
  • MiguelHincapieC
    MiguelHincapieC over 5 years
    is there a way to do this without data binding? I mean, an approach like this one in where you can choose when the liveData's value has changed.
  • AouledIssa
    AouledIssa over 5 years
    This is working! but does re-binding has any performance drawbacks ?
  • Marat
    Marat over 5 years
    I was reading this article… that explains same solution but in Kotlin. However I couldn't get it to work. I think it is outdated because it is using lifecycle version = 1.1.1. How to set the value inside of onPropertyChanged() in Kotlin? value = value does not compile.
  • Kwnstantinos Nikoloutsos
    Kwnstantinos Nikoloutsos about 5 years
    BR stands for? Anyone knows that?
  • PhilBlais
    PhilBlais about 5 years
    The BR is also giving me issues
  • muetzenflo
    muetzenflo about 5 years
    BR stands for BindingResources. It is created when compiling your project. For every <variable>-tag in your data-bound layout xml there will be a reference in BR. Similar to normal resources that are also defined in xml (e.g. R.string.something)
  • A.K.
    A.K. almost 5 years
    Hi, it works without the CustomMutableLiveData class. Why do i need the class?
  • ejdrian313
    ejdrian313 almost 5 years
    It's simpler and more clear approch than marked as best.
  • Crearo Rotar
    Crearo Rotar almost 5 years
    This just seems wrong to me. Isn't the whole point of using LiveData to not rebind?
  • morpheus05
    morpheus05 over 4 years
    Who unregisters the listener if we change to a completely different value object? And don't we register a new listener object every time we change one of the User object fields?
  • Sean
    Sean over 4 years
    Instead of binding user, you can bind viewModel, then you won't need to re-bind.
  • Aleksandar Stefanović
    Aleksandar Stefanović over 4 years
    Great idea. I would enhance it further by using actions: MutableLivedata<T>.() -> Unit, to that the lambda could be written without it
  • Alireza
    Alireza about 4 years
    binding viewModel does not work . for me re-binding the object works very well.
  • fullmoon
    fullmoon about 4 years
    This is not rebinding, it just refreshes the variable, which will reflect the change on the UI. Don't see a problem here.
  • Afilu
    Afilu over 3 years
    Elegant. The point I missed was that setting the exact same value object triggers the notification to observers. Hopefully it won't be 'optimized' in future releases.
  • Carteră Veaceslav
    Carteră Veaceslav over 3 years
    how it suppose to work? This will be fired only once (during the initialization), not every time the value changes
  • Nick M
    Nick M over 3 years
    how does it behave on additions to an .innerArray ?
  • act262
    act262 about 3 years
    fun <T> MutableLiveData<T>.setField(transform: T.() -> Unit) { this.value = this.value?.apply(transform) }
  • Bilawal muzaffar
    Bilawal muzaffar over 2 years
    i think @morpheus05 is right.
  • Alex Bin Zhao
    Alex Bin Zhao over 2 years
    It is probably better to create new user instead of using existing one
  • Lifes
    Lifes almost 2 years
    This no longer works.