Loading cross-domain endpoint with AJAX


Solution 1

jQuery Ajax Notes

  • Due to browser security restrictions, most Ajax requests are subject to the same origin policy; the request can not successfully retrieve data from a different domain, subdomain, port, or protocol.
  • Script and JSONP requests are not subject to the same origin policy restrictions.

There are some ways to overcome the cross-domain barrier:

There are some plugins that help with cross-domain requests:

Heads up!

The best way to overcome this problem, is by creating your own proxy in the back-end, so that your proxy will point to the services in other domains, because in the back-end not exists the same origin policy restriction. But if you can't do that in back-end, then pay attention to the following tips.


Using third-party proxies is not a secure practice, because they can keep track of your data, so it can be used with public information, but never with private data.

The code examples shown below use jQuery.get() and jQuery.getJSON(), both are shorthand methods of jQuery.ajax()

CORS Anywhere

2021 Update

Public demo server (cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com) will be very limited by January 2021, 31st

The demo server of CORS Anywhere (cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com) is meant to be a demo of this project. But abuse has become so common that the platform where the demo is hosted (Heroku) has asked me to shut down the server, despite efforts to counter the abuse. Downtime becomes increasingly frequent due to abuse and its popularity.

To counter this, I will make the following changes:

  1. The rate limit will decrease from 200 per hour to 50 per hour.
  2. By January 31st, 2021, cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com will stop serving as an open proxy.
  3. From February 1st. 2021, cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com will only serve requests after the visitor has completed a challenge: The user (developer) must visit a page at cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com to temporarily unlock the demo for their browser. This allows developers to try out the functionality, to help with deciding on self-hosting or looking for alternatives.

CORS Anywhere is a node.js proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
To use the API, just prefix the URL with the API URL. (Supports https: see github repository)

If you want to automatically enable cross-domain requests when needed, use the following snippet:

$.ajaxPrefilter( function (options) {
  if (options.crossDomain && jQuery.support.cors) {
    var http = (window.location.protocol === 'http:' ? 'http:' : 'https:');
    options.url = http + '//cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/' + options.url;
    //options.url = "http://cors.corsproxy.io/url=" + options.url;

    function (response) {
        console.log("> ", response);

Whatever Origin

Whatever Origin is a cross domain jsonp access. This is an open source alternative to anyorigin.com.

To fetch the data from google.com, you can use this snippet:

// It is good specify the charset you expect.
// You can use the charset you want instead of utf-8.
// See details for scriptCharset and contentType options: 
// http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings
    scriptCharset: "utf-8", //or "ISO-8859-1"
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"

$.getJSON('http://whateverorigin.org/get?url=' + 
    encodeURIComponent('http://google.com') + '&callback=?',
    function (data) {
        console.log("> ", data);

        //If the expected response is text/plain

        //If the expected response is JSON
        //var response = $.parseJSON(data.contents);

CORS Proxy

CORS Proxy is a simple node.js proxy to enable CORS request for any website. It allows javascript code on your site to access resources on other domains that would normally be blocked due to the same-origin policy.

How does it work? CORS Proxy takes advantage of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, which is a feature that was added along with HTML 5. Servers can specify that they want browsers to allow other websites to request resources they host. CORS Proxy is simply an HTTP Proxy that adds a header to responses saying "anyone can request this".

This is another way to achieve the goal (see www.corsproxy.com). All you have to do is strip http:// and www. from the URL being proxied, and prepend the URL with www.corsproxy.com/

    'http://www.corsproxy.com/' +
    function (response) {
        console.log("> ", response);

CORS proxy browser

Recently I found this one, it involves various security oriented Cross Origin Remote Sharing utilities. But it is a black-box with Flash as backend.

You can see it in action here: CORS proxy browser
Get the source code on GitHub: koto/cors-proxy-browser

Solution 2

You can use Ajax-cross-origin a jQuery plugin. With this plugin you use jQuery.ajax() cross domain. It uses Google services to achieve this:

The AJAX Cross Origin plugin use Google Apps Script as a proxy jSON getter where jSONP is not implemented. When you set the crossOrigin option to true, the plugin replace the original url with the Google Apps Script address and send it as encoded url parameter. The Google Apps Script use Google Servers resources to get the remote data, and return it back to the client as JSONP.

It is very simple to use:

        crossOrigin: true,
        url: url,
        success: function(data) {

You can read more here: http://www.ajax-cross-origin.com/

Solution 3

If the external site doesn't support JSONP or CORS, your only option is to use a proxy.

Build a script on your server that requests that content, then use jQuery ajax to hit the script on your server.

Solution 4

Just put this in the header of your PHP Page and it ill work without API:

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); //allow everybody  


header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://codesheet.org'); //allow just one domain 


$http_origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'];  //allow multiple domains

$allowed_domains = array(

if (in_array($http_origin, $allowed_domains))
    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin");
Author by


Updated on April 27, 2021


  • xonorageous
    xonorageous about 3 years

    I'm trying to load a cross-domain HTML page using AJAX but unless the dataType is "jsonp" I can't get a response. However using jsonp the browser is expecting a script mime type but is receiving "text/html".

    My code for the request is:

        type: "GET",
        url: "http://saskatchewan.univ-ubs.fr:8080/SASStoredProcess/do?_username=DARTIES3-2012&_password=P@ssw0rd&_program=%2FUtilisateurs%2FDARTIES3-2012%2FMon+dossier%2Fanalyse_dc&annee=2012&ind=V&_action=execute",
        dataType: "jsonp",
    }).success( function( data ) {
        $( 'div.ajax-field' ).html( data );

    Is there any way of avoiding using jsonp for the request? I've already tried using the crossDomain parameter but it didn't work.

    If not is there any way of receiving the html content in jsonp? Currently the console is saying "unexpected <" in the jsonp reply.

  • EpicVoyage
    EpicVoyage over 10 years
    You can also deploy your own version of WhateverOrigin.org (or port the code for your own use) from here: github.com/ripper234/Whatever-Origin
  • Hitesh
    Hitesh over 10 years
    I have tried this code it works properly to load HTML from Cross Domain but the requested HTML contain image which is not loaded in response. Means the returned Cross Domain Requested HTML does not contain Image . Is there any way to load Image also?????
  • jherax
    jherax over 10 years
    Images, CSS and external javascript can be referenced from another origin, thus, in the response you can go over the HTML string and replace the src of external resources
  • user217648
    user217648 about 10 years
    hi jherax I used whateverorigin to get a html page (only way worked for me, used yql, google etc) but non english characters are strange. tried to encode data.contents but not helped
  • jherax
    jherax almost 10 years
    @user217648 you may specify some ajax options to the requested resource, for example you can specify the contentType before making the ajax call. i.e. $.ajaxSetup({ scriptCharset: "utf-8" , contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"}); then you can make the ajax call with $.getJSON()
  • Miru
    Miru almost 10 years
    Hi @jherax. I've the exact same question, as hitesh question. But I fail to understand your answer. Could you please explain a bit more with an example maybe, in comment or edit your main answer. Thanks
  • jherax
    jherax over 9 years
    Hello @Miru, as the title says: "Loading cross domain html page with jQuery AJAX", I answered to the title by providing some examples using a proxy to perform cross-domain requests. Also, in response to the wording of the question, I provided some links to make cross-domain requests using JSONP with YQL. I invite you to read the links, they are very useful.
  • Michael
    Michael over 9 years
    As far as I'm concerned, this plugin has never worked. It doesn't do anything on Chrome.
  • jherax
    jherax about 9 years
    I extended the answer, by adding more links and examples related to CORS proxy servers.
  • Syed Ali
    Syed Ali about 9 years
    How can I authenticate to the server?
  • Quentin
    Quentin almost 9 years
    The code you used there is irrelevant. What matters is the server side CORS headers.
  • Zade
    Zade over 8 years
    This is rad! Is there any way to load the HTML of a cross domain page that uses Ajax or some other method to finish loading its content? I keep getting the HTML of the cross domain page as it first loads, not the HTML of the page a second or two later, which is what I want. For example, how could one grab the HTML of table.referrals (after "Referral Amounts and Ride Requirements") at lyft.com/drive/help/article/1859265? Thanks!
  • jherax
    jherax over 8 years
    For getting a portion of the response, if you receive a HTML string, you can parse the response to jQuery object, and then apply a filter (selector), eg: console.log(data); $(data).find('#title-1') or, if you receive a response without a root element, then use filter, e.g: $(data).filter('#title-1')
  • 0xc0de
    0xc0de over 7 years
    This does not answer the question in any way.
  • Joshua Pinter
    Joshua Pinter almost 7 years
    Ended up using the CORS Anywhere method with the $.ajaxPrefilter and it worked great. Many thanks!
  • JP Lew
    JP Lew over 6 years
    works great! The API I'm using supports neither JSONP nor CORS so this is the only thing that worked. Thanks a lot!
  • galeksandrp
    galeksandrp over 6 years
    @0xc0de i've finally written answer.
  • Zsolti
    Zsolti over 5 years
    I'm wondering where $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'] is coming from. I couldn't find it in the PHP documentation or anywhere else.
  • Zsolti
    Zsolti over 5 years
    Hmm, it seems that it is populated only with AJAX requests. Anyhow, thanks for the answer.
  • Phil
    Phil almost 5 years
    jQuery's crossOrigin option certainly does not do anything to mitigate same-origin policies. I'd delete this answer if I could
  • Zasha
    Zasha almost 4 years
    God bless you @jherax. After spending a week, searching for the CORS issue day and night, i finally found your solution, it instantly worked. Its was like digital magic. Thanks a ton!!!
  • jherax
    jherax almost 4 years
    It is good to know that after years that post was published, it still working!! :+1: