Login to website using Facebook account


Solution 1

Mixu had meticulously explained single sign-on in his 3 paged blog:

1) http://blog.mixu.net/2010/12/27/implementing-facebook-login-single-sign-on-part-1/

2) http://blog.mixu.net/2011/01/03/implementing-facebook-login-part-2/

3) http://blog.mixu.net/2011/01/09/implementing-facebook-login-part-3/


SSO is simply logging a user with facebook and maintaining a site-wide session on your server and cookie on user's machine. This session shall remain valid for all pages on your website. You can use this codeplex example in C# to get you going on the right track: http://facebooktoolkit.codeplex.com/

Also see this answer (in C#) for more info: https://stackoverflow.com/a/369691/842837

Solution 2

There are many ways you can implement this. These architectures are explained in the Facebook developer page.

The simplest way is to implement it using javascript sdk. Here is a link on how to login using Facebook account.

Solution 3

We can authenticate user from server side as well as client side.. if you are looking for a javascript solution then please refer below mentioned method.

  • Browse this link https://developers.facebook.com
    • Click on apps tab. >> It will promt you for login.
    • Once you are logged in >> you can create an new app in your account.
    • Click on settings tab(from left pannel)>> then click on "advanced" tab on the right window.
    • under "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" >> enter proper url (for testing you can enter your localhost url also, something like localhost.com:98 etc) if you are using iis you can configure the port number there.
    • if required you will have to put this url in your host file as well.
    • from the dashboard tab you can get the appid and secrect key for the newly created app.(we will need this in later stage).
Akansha Gulati
Author by

Akansha Gulati

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Akansha Gulati
    Akansha Gulati almost 2 years

    I want to implement SSO in our current website so that we can login to that website using a Facebook account. Can you please provide the steps which I need to follow to implement it?