Loop dictionary in ansible template


Solution 1

You can achieve your goal by modifying your jinja2 template and task like this:

Jinja2 Template:

<resource name="{{ databases[item].db_resource }}" auth="container" type="javax.sql.datasource"  maxtotal="{{ databases[item].db_maxconn }}" maxidle="{{ databases[item].db_maxidle }}" maxwaitmillis="{{ databases[item].db_maxwait }}" username="{{ databases[item].db_user }}" password="{{ databases[item].db_pass }}" driverclassname="{{ databases[item].db_driver }}" url="{{ databases[item].db_url }}" />

Ansible Tasks:

- name: debug dictionary
  debug: msg="{{ databases[item].db_url }}"
  with_items: "{{ databases | list }}"

- name: copy tomcat config files
  template: src="{{ item.src }}" dest="{{ item.dest }}"
    - { src: 'context.xml.j2', dest: '/opt/tomcat/conf/context.xml'}
  notify: restart tomcat
  with_items: "{{ databases | list }}"

Hope that might help you, please adjust your tasks as per your requirement

Solution 2

I discovered today that using dict.values() loops over each dict element's values rather than its keys. So you should be able use something like this for your template.

{% for item in databases.values() %}
    <resource name="{{ item.db_resource }}" auth="container" type="javax.sql.datasource"  maxtotal="{{ item.db_maxconn }}" maxidle="{{ item.db_maxidle }}" maxwaitmillis="{{ item.db_maxwait }}" username="{{ item.db_user }}" password="{{ item.db_pass }}" driverclassname="{{ item.db_driver }}" url="{{ item.db_url }}" />
{% endfor %}

I know that it's way after the fact, but maybe somebody else searching for this answer can make use of this additional discovery.

Solution 3

In Jinja, when databases is a dictionary, for items in databases will (as in Python) iterate over the keys of the dictionary, not its key/value pairs. Thus, in your template, item.value (which I'm assuming is meant to be items.value) should be databases[items] in order to get the value associated with the key items.

Solution 4

Mike, your answer saved me a lot of searching today.

In my case I was using a list of dicts, so I had to have two if statements, something like this:

{% for dict_item in quotes %}
  {% for item in dict_item.values() %}
.. {{ item.symbol }}
.. {{ item.price }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Thank you!

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • tweeks200
    tweeks200 almost 2 years

    I'm trying to loop a dictionary through an ansible template using jinja2 to create a number of datasources but receive this error [{'msg': "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: One or more undefined variables: 'dict object' has no attribute 'value'", 'failed': True}]}

    When running a debug task it does get the correct values back so I feel like my issue is in the template itself but I've been unable to figure out what I am doing wrong.

    Ansible Task

    - name: debug dictionary
      debug: msg="{{ item.value.db_url }}"
      with_dict: databases
    - name: copy tomcat config files
      template: src="{{ item.src }}" dest="{{ item.dest }}"
        - { src: 'context.xml.j2', dest: '/opt/tomcat/conf/context.xml'}
      notify: restart tomcat
      with_dict: databases

    Ansible Dictionary

        db_resource: jdbc/db1
        db_maxidle: 50
        db_maxconn: 350
        db_maxwait: 10000
        db_user: dbuser
        db_pass: "{{ dbpass }}"
        db_url: jdbc:postgresql://server:5432/dbname
        db_driver: org.postgresql.Driver

    Jinja2 Template

    {% for items in databases %}
        <resource name="{{ item.value.db_resource }}" auth="container" type="javax.sql.datasource"  maxtotal="{{ item.value.db_maxconn }}" maxidle="{{ item.value.db_maxidle }}" maxwaitmillis="{{ item.value.db_maxwait }}" username="{{ item.value.db_user }}" password="{{ item.value.db_pass }}" driverclassname="{{ item.value.db_driver }}" url="{{ item.value.db_url }}" />
    {% endfor %}

    Debug Output

    ok: [IP] => (item={'key': 'db1', 'value': {'db_maxwait': 10000, 'db_maxconn': 350, 'db_maxidle': 50, 'db_driver': 'org.postgresql.Driver', 'db_pass': u'REDACTED', 'db_resource': 'jdbc/db1', 'db_user': 'dbuser', 'db_url': 'jdbc:postgresql://server:5432/dbname'}}) => {
        "item": {
            "key": "db1",
            "value": {
                "db_driver": "org.postgresql.Driver",
                "db_maxconn": 350,
                "db_maxidle": 50,
                "db_maxwait": 10000,
                "db_pass": "REDACTED",
                "db_resource": "jdbc/db1",
                "db_url": "jdbc:postgresql://server:5432/db",
                "db_user": "dbuser"
        "msg": "jdbc:postgresql://server:5432/dbname"
  • tweeks200
    tweeks200 almost 8 years
    That seems to make progress. I get One or more undefined variables: dict object has no element now but the values do show in the error output. All the variables have values in the output. Any ideas?
  • JJJ
    JJJ about 5 years
    Please elaborate how your answer adds to the others, try to comment a bit in your code maybe.
  • Rick O'Shea
    Rick O'Shea about 2 years
    Somebody else was searching for this answer! Thanks.