Loss of precision - int -> float or double


Solution 1

In Java Integer uses 32 bits to represent its value.

In Java a FLOAT uses a 23 bit mantissa, so integers greater than 2^23 will have their least significant bits truncated. For example 33554435 (or 0x200003) will be truncated to around 33554432 +/- 4

In Java a DOUBLE uses a 52 bit mantissa, so will be able to represent a 32bit integer without lost of data.

See also "Floating Point" on wikipedia

Solution 2

It's not necessary to know the internal layout of floating-point numbers. All you need is the pigeonhole principle and the knowledge that int and float are the same size.

  • int is a 32-bit type, for which every bit pattern represents a distinct integer, so there are 2^32 int values.
  • float is a 32-bit type, so it has at most 2^32 distinct values.
  • Some floats represent non-integers, so there are fewer than 2^32 float values that represent integers.
  • Therefore, different int values will be converted to the same float (=loss of precision).

Similar reasoning can be used with long and double.

Solution 3

Here's what JLS has to say about the matter (in a non-technical discussion).

JLS 5.1.2 Widening primitive conversion

The following 19 specific conversions on primitive types are called the widening primitive conversions:

  • int to long, float, or double
  • (rest omitted)

Conversion of an int or a long value to float, or of a long value to double, may result in loss of precision -- that is, the result may lose some of the least significant bits of the value. In this case, the resulting floating-point value will be a correctly rounded version of the integer value, using IEEE 754 round-to-nearest mode.

Despite the fact that loss of precision may occur, widening conversions among primitive types never result in a run-time exception.

Here is an example of a widening conversion that loses precision:

class Test {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
                int big = 1234567890;
                float approx = big;
                System.out.println(big - (int)approx);

which prints:


thus indicating that information was lost during the conversion from type int to type float because values of type float are not precise to nine significant digits.

Solution 4

No, float and double are fixed-length too - they just use their bits differently. Read more about how exactly they work in the Floating-Poing Guide .

Basically, you cannot lose precision when assigning an int to a double, because double has 52 bits of precision, which is enough to hold all int values. But float only has 23 bits of precision, so it cannot exactly represent all int values that are larger than about 2^23.

Solution 5

Your intuition is correct, you MAY loose precision when converting int to float. However it not as simple as presented in most other answers.

In Java a FLOAT uses a 23 bit mantissa, so integers greater than 2^23 will have their least significant bits truncated. (from a post on this page)

Not true.
Example: here is an integer that is greater than 2^23 that converts to a float with no loss:

int i = 33_554_430 * 64; // is greater than 2^23 (and also greater than 2^24); i = 2_147_483_520
float f = i;
System.out.println("result: " + (i - (int) f)); // Prints: result: 0
System.out.println("with i:" + i + ",  f:" + f);//Prints: with i:2_147_483_520,  f:2.14748352E9

Therefore, it is not true that integers greater than 2^23 will have their least significant bits truncated.

The best explanation I found is here:
A float in Java is 32-bit and is represented by:
sign * mantissa * 2^exponent
sign * (0 to 33_554_431) * 2^(-125 to +127)
Source: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-math2/index.html

Why is this an issue?
It leaves the impression that you can determine whether there is a loss of precision from int to float just by looking at how large the int is.
I have especially seen Java exam questions where one is asked whether a large int would convert to a float with no loss.

Also, sometimes people tend to think that there will be loss of precision from int to float:
when an int is larger than: 1_234_567_890 not true (see counter-example above)
when an int is larger than: 2 exponent 23 (equals: 8_388_608) not true
when an int is larger than: 2 exponent 24 (equals: 16_777_216) not true

Conversions from sufficiently large ints to floats MAY lose precision.
It is not possible to determine whether there will be loss just by looking at how large the int is (i.e. without trying to go deeper into the actual float representation).

Author by


Updated on September 19, 2020


  • stan
    stan over 3 years

    I have an exam question I am revising for and the question is for 4 marks.

    "In java we can assign a int to a double or a float". Will this ever lose information and why?

    I have put that because ints are normally of fixed length or size - the precision for storing data is finite, where storing information in floating point can be infinite, essentially we lose information because of this

    Now I am a little sketchy as to whether or not I am hitting the right areas here. I very sure it will lose precision but I can't exactly put my finger on why. Can I get some help, please?