Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Postfix SASL authentication failed


Solution 1

I had the same problem. A Google search turned up this link:のpostfix設定/

It turned out I was missing the following line in /etc/postfix/

smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = plain

Solution 2

I added both snippets as suggested, but still no luck. Then I found this article:

and ran the following steps from it:

Step 2. Create the sasl_passwd file We need to create the sasl_passwd file with the SMTP credentials

sudo vi /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

Write the following content exactly (don't put in your user address and password) and save: [email protected]:password

Create the Postfix lookup table from the sasl_passwd file.

sudo postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

This will create the file sasl_passwd.db

Step 3. Restart Postfix To apply all new changes we have to restart Postfix:

sudo postfix reload

And still no luck. But then I noticed that relayhost in /etc/postfix/

was commented out with brackets like so:

relayhost = []:587

I changed this line to:

relayhost =

reloaded postfix with:

sudo postfix reload

and postfix started sending email. Hooray!

Solution 3

It turned out I needed another piece to get this to work.

sudo vi /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist

and right after this:


add this:


I can now send emails with Postfix on Yosemite!

Author by


Updated on January 06, 2020


  • TFS
    TFS over 4 years

    I followed the step described in the link below to setup my mac to send out email.

    It was working fine on my Mac OS X 10.9. But after I upgraded to OS X 10.10. The mail.log showed the following error. What is the problem?

    Oct 19 00:28:22 paullam-macbook-pro.local postfix/smtp[30383]: 6B47B8AD4E8: SASL authentication failed; cannot authenticate to server[]: generic failure
    Oct 19 00:28:24 paullam-macbook-pro.local postfix/smtp[30383]: 6B47B8AD4E8: to=<[email protected]>,[]:587, delay=3.4, delays=0.01/0/3.4/0, dsn=4.7.0, status=deferred (SASL authentication failed; cannot authenticate to server[]: generic failure)
  • mlantz
    mlantz over 9 years
    This took me hours to stumble onto this, but great find, and quick fix
  • Halfstop
    Halfstop over 9 years
    Awesome answer. Thank you. I would have never figured this one out on my own.
  • bergie3000
    bergie3000 almost 9 years
    All of you can read Japanese? For those of you find English easier to read, try these instructions instead. Also, I needed to turn on access for less secure apps within my Google account: Probably not a good idea in general, but Google would not send my emails otherwise. Turn off access when you're done testing.
  • Manachi
    Manachi over 8 years
    Thank you @bergie3000 that "less secure apps" option was the missing piece of the puzzle for me. Thanks.
  • a. brooks hollar
    a. brooks hollar about 7 years
    This and using Google App Password got me going on Sierra. Thanks!
  • qodeninja
    qodeninja almost 6 years
    @a.brookshollar using Google App Password with this and still not working. Any thoughts?
  • Hermann Schwarz
    Hermann Schwarz about 2 years
    If someone got a error message like 'SASL authentication failed' or 'Application-specific password required', so you maybe use 2 factor authentication in Google. Check this tutorial to solve this problem (sat a special app password):…