Maintaining file permissions across SVN updates?


You need to set the svn:executable property on the file.

svn propset svn:executable true  <filename>
Mark Mayo
Author by

Mark Mayo

Completed a first class Honours Degree in Computer Science back in 2002. Been jumping between development and test since, and my niche is probably developing automated test frameworks and systems. But I enjoy venturing into the unknown and trying new things and have worked in a variety of domains, from network communication to air traffic control to gaming platforms. Also love my travelling and photography, and am getting into writing. "In theory, this should work..."

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Mark Mayo
    Mark Mayo almost 2 years

    I have a series of python scripts with execute permissions in Linux. They are stored in SVN.

    If I then run svn up to update them, the overwritten files are back to 644 - ie no execute permissions for anyone.

    Yes I could just script it to chmod +x * afterwards, but surely there's a way to store permissions in SVN or to maintain them when you update?

    Any suggestions appreciated.