Make String.format("%s", arg) display null-valued arguments differently from "null"


Solution 1

With java 8 you can now use Optional class for this:

import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
String myString = null;
System.out.printf("myString: %s",
    ofNullable(myString).orElse("Not found")

Solution 2

For a Java 7 solution that doesn't require external libraries:

String.format("this is %s", Objects.toString(this.someField, "?"));

Solution 3

The nicest solution, in my opinion, is using Guava's Objects method, firstNonNull. The following method will ensure you will print an empty string if someField is ever null.

String.format("this is %s", MoreObjects.firstNonNull(this.someField, ""));

Guava docs.

Solution 4

A bit late on the subject, but this could be a quite clean-looking solution : First, create your own format method...

private static String NULL_STRING = "?";

private static String formatNull(String str, Object... args){
    for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
        if(args[i] == null){
            args[i] = NULL_STRING;

    return String.format(str, args);

Then, use it as will...

public void TestNullFormat(){
    Object ob1 = null;
    Object ob2 = "a test";

    String str = formatNull("this is %s", ob1);
    assertEquals("this is ?", str);

    str = formatNull("this is %s", ob2);
    assertEquals("this is a test", str);

This eliminates the need for multiple, hard-to-read, ternary operators.

Solution 5

If you don't want to use replaceAll(), You can assign a default text(String) for someField.

But if some time this may assign null again. So you can use validation for that case

 this.someField == null ? "defaultText" : this.someField

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Updated on November 17, 2021


  • VH-NZZ
    VH-NZZ over 2 years

    Consider the custom toString() implementation of a bean:

    public String toString() {
        String.format("this is %s", this.someField);

    This yields this is null if someField is null.

    Is there a way to override the default null string representation of null-valued arguments to another text, i.e., ? without calling explicitly replaceAll(...) in the toString method?

    Note: The bean inherits from a superclass that could implement Formattable ( but I just don't seem to understand how to make this work.

    EDIT: The snippet is over-simplified for the sake of example but I'm not looking for ternary operator solutions someField==null ? "?" : someField because:

    • there can be (potentially) a great many fields involved in toString() so checking all fields is too cumbersome and not fluent.
    • other people whom I have little control over (if any) are writing their own subclasses.
    • if a method is called and returns null that would either imply calling the method twice or declaring a local variable.

    Rather, can anything be done using the Formattable interface or having some custom Formatter (which is final btw.)?

    • Arnaud Denoyelle
      Arnaud Denoyelle over 10 years
      I would do String.format("this is %s", this.someField==null?"?":this.someField);
    • Arnaud Denoyelle
      Arnaud Denoyelle over 10 years
      Or with Guava : String.format("this is %s", Objects.firstNotNull(this.someField, "?"));
    • VH-NZZ
      VH-NZZ over 10 years
      I always think fondly of firstNotNull, esp. similar implementations some SQL dialects, but Guava is too heavy a dependence and belongs more to the dependencies a Utils class than that of a pojo, imo.
    • Kim Kern
      Kim Kern over 5 years
      @VH-NZZ There are some great solutions. Sure you can't choose one to accept?
    • VH-NZZ
      VH-NZZ over 5 years
      @KimKern Most, if not all, somehow address the issue and ultimately produce a result compatible with the question, albeit at some expense. That being said, I objectively can't assert that I can pick one answer as truly superior, hence: no, at this stage I'm afraid I can't.
  • VH-NZZ
    VH-NZZ over 10 years
    Again, this is using the ternary operator. Thanks anyway.
  • VH-NZZ
    VH-NZZ about 10 years
    ... but implies a dependency on your formatNull method.
  • JM Lord
    JM Lord about 10 years
    Of course! Unless the case forementionned is specific to some output strategy class, where the method can be defined privately in the strategy itself. Then there would be no depenedency problem. If it is used at many places in the application, then yes it would need to be put in some library / util class.
  • dvtoever
    dvtoever over 8 years
    String.format("this is %s", StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(this.someField, "")); will do the trick if Apache StringUtils happens to be on your classpath.
  • burak
    burak over 3 years
    To apply for also 'empty' values, it can be extended with 'filter(s -> !s.isEmpty())' as the following: System.out.printf("myString: %s", ofNullable(myString).filter(s -> !s.isEmpty()).orElse("Not found")