Making batch-file for Gnuplot


Below is an excerpt from


Sometimes, several commands are typed to create a particular plot, and it is easy to make a typographical error when entering a command. To stream- line your plotting operations, several Gnuplot commands may be combined into a single script file. For example, the following file will create a customized display of the force-deflection data:

  # Gnuplot script file for plotting data in file "force.dat"
  # This file is called   force.p
  set   autoscale                        # scale axes automatically
  unset log                              # remove any log-scaling
  unset label                            # remove any previous labels
  set xtic auto                          # set xtics automatically
  set ytic auto                          # set ytics automatically
  set title "Force Deflection Data for a Beam and a Column"
  set xlabel "Deflection (meters)"
  set ylabel "Force (kN)"
  set key 0.01,100
  set label "Yield Point" at 0.003,260
  set arrow from 0.0028,250 to 0.003,280
  set xr [0.0:0.022]
  set yr [0:325]
  plot    "force.dat" using 1:2 title 'Column' with linespoints , \
        "force.dat" using 1:3 title 'Beam' with points

Then the total plot can be generated with the command: gnuplot> load 'force.p'

The file force.dat looks something like:

  # This file is called   force.dat
  # Force-Deflection data for a beam and a bar
  # Deflection    Col-Force       Beam-Force 
  0.000              0              0    
  0.001            104             51
  0.002            202            101
  0.003            298            148
  0.0031           290            149
  0.004            289            201
  0.0041           291            209
  0.005            310            250
  0.010            311            260
  0.020            280            240

Please look at the source for further information and a much better explanation.


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Elke Troeger
Author by

Elke Troeger

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Elke Troeger
    Elke Troeger almost 2 years

    How can I make a batch file with a series of commandos for Gnuplot, and then execute it in Gnuplot? For example: defining a function, setting the x- and y-axis settings, setting an output so when I run Gnuplot and execute this file, I immediately got my graph. Thanks for reading in advance.