Manjaro Linux on laptop cannot see SD card


The problem: no driver for RTL8411B

$ lspci
05:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8411B PCI Express Card Reader (rev 01)

Solution find and install driver

But first we need to know: the drivers installed through dkms and it usually requires Linux headers.

First get know kernel version

$ uname -a  
Linux kyb-manjaro-laptop 4.9.53-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Oct 5 15:11:15 UTC 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux

It is 4.9.53-1-MANJARO

Second install Linux headers.

$ pacman -Ss linux headers

Select your one and install it

# pacman -S linux49-headers

Third install driver itself

$ yaourt -S rts_bpp-dkms-git

Last step - restart the system. Optional, may be your system will work without reboot.

P.S. To search drivers for another hardware chip try:

for Arch Linux based:


for Debian, Ubuntu:

apt search DRIVER_NAME

Related videos on Youtube

Author by


professional C/C++ developer, devops, linux hacker field of interests: embedded-linux, macos, salifish-os, c++, bash, gitlab, continious-integration

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • kyb
    kyb over 1 year

    The dmesg output:

    [ 9376.684650] mmc0: card 59b4 removed
    [ 9378.738987] mmc0: cannot verify signal voltage switch
    [ 9378.859232] mmc0: new ultra high speed SDR104 SDHC card at address 59b4

    lsblk and fdisk -l does not show any new disks.
    The KDE Partition Manager does not see it too.

    I tried to find it in /dev but with no success:


    Nothing of them is sdcard. The list is the same when SD card inserted and ejected.


    lspci output (shortened):

    $ lspci
    05:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8411B PCI Express Card Reader (rev 01)

    Unassigned class. Does this mean system needs driver for RTL8411B?

    update 2. Solved semi-accidentally.

    For a few hours I was digging the internet and found package which should install

    A kernel module for Realtek Card Reader RTL8402/8411/8411B Device

    It is named rts_bpp-dkms-git

    ~ ❯❯❯ yaourt rts_bpp-dkms-git
    1 aur/rts_bpp-dkms-git 6-1 [installed: 7-1] (1) (0,00)
        A kernel module for Realtek Card Reader RTL8402/8411/8411B Device
    ==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (e.g., 1 2 3 or 1-3)
    ==> ---------------------------------------------------------

    I tried to install it and met the yet another problem:

    :: Running post-transaction hooks...
    (1/1) Install DKMS modules
    ==> No kernel 4.9.52-lts headers. You must install them to use DKMS!

    Seems package was installed but with FAIL. Need to install linux49-headers

    $ pacman -Ss linux headers
    # pacman -S linux49-headers

    Note: use uname -a to get know the system name and Linux kernel version.

    Than I have got one more thing about dkms cannot find linux headers fot 4.9.52. I checked pointed folder with

    $ ls /usr/lib/modules/
    4.9.53-1-MANJARO  extramodules-4.9-MANJARO

    and found there linux headers version 4.9.53-1. I think that happened because of system was updated with octopi (pacman -Suy) and was not restarted.

    O, Magic. After system reboot (sd card was inserted all time) Dolphin can see partiotons of SD card. And I have mmcblk0 device. Check it with lsblk.

    • Andrius Štikonas
      Andrius Štikonas over 6 years
      For future reference, if lsblk does not find your disk, KDE Partition Manager would not find either. KPM uses lsblk --json to find the list of devices.
  • m3nda
    m3nda over 5 years
    Thank you so much. I was longgg time figuring out why didn't work all the time under Manjaro. Now is working.
  • Mahkoe
    Mahkoe about 5 years
    Yo you totally saved hours of fighting with my computer. Thanks so much!