Mapping Multiple Lists in Flutter/Dart?


You can use List.sort() for that purpose, I have created a custom example where I hard coded 3 instances of your Videos class, and then added them in my build method in a List in ascending order. Using List.sort() and compareTo, I was able to rearrange them in an descending order.

List<Videos> myList = [_firstVideos, _secondVideos, _thirdVideos];
sort() {
      for (var video in myList) {
        print(video.rank); ///prints 1 2 3 
      myList.sort((y, x) => x.rank.compareTo(y.rank));

      for (var video in myList) {
        print(video.rank);  ///prints 3 2 1


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

    void main(){
      runApp(new MaterialApp(home: new MyApp(),));

    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

      Videos _firstVideos = new Videos(
        videoId: "0001",
        rank: 1,
        title: "My First Video",
        imageString: "My First Image",
      Videos _secondVideos = new Videos(
        videoId: "0002",
        rank: 2,
        title: "My Seocnd Video",
        imageString: "My Second Image",

      Videos _thirdVideos = new Videos(
        videoId: "0003",
        rank: 3,
        title: "My Third Video",
        imageString: "My Third Image",

      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        List<Videos> myList = [_firstVideos,_secondVideos,_thirdVideos];

        return new Scaffold(
          body: new Center(
            child: new FlatButton(onPressed: sort, child: new Text("Sort")),

    class Videos{
      String videoId;
      int rank;
      String title;
      String imageString;

      Videos({this.videoId, this.rank, this.title, this.imageString});
Charles Jr
Author by

Charles Jr

Jack of All Trades - Master of Few!! Started with Obj-C.then(Swift)!.now(Flutter/Dart)! Thank everyone for every answer, comment, edit, suggestion. Can't believe I've been able to answer a few myself :-)

Updated on December 03, 2022


  • Charles Jr
    Charles Jr over 1 year

    I have SWIFT code where I've mapped a set of lists with equal number of elements where 1 was a list of ints and they were mapped in descending order. Here is my SWIFT Code...

    class Video
        let videoID: String
        let rank: Int
        let title: String
        let imageString: String
        init(videoID: String, rank: Int, title: String, imageString: String)
            self.videoID = videoID
            self.rank = rank
            self.title = title
            self.imageString = imageString
    var videos = [Video]()
    videos.sort { $0.rank < $1.rank }
    self.vidTitleArray = { $0.title }
    self.vidRankArray = { $0.rank }
    self.vidIdArray = { $0.videoID }
    self.vidImageArray = { $0.imageString }

    Here is where I am in Flutter, but I'm getting errors going forward...

    class videos{
      String videoId;
      int rank;
      String title;
      String imageString;
      videos(this.videoId, this.rank, this.title, this.imageString);

    How do I make a list from the class constructor then rearrange all elements in descending order mapped to rank?

    ***** OPTION *****

    Here is my code without using a Video class. I got it to rank correctly using a SplayTreeMap but if Value is ever the same it only brings back 1 node. Is there a way to map all 4 maps descending with Value?

    Map myMap =; //store each map

                              var titles = myMap.values;
                              List onesTitles = new List();
                              List onesIds = new List();
                              List onesImages = new List();
                              List onesRank = new List();
                              for (var items in titles) {
                              names = onesTitles;
                              ids = onesIds;
                              numbers = onesRank;
                              vidImages = onesImages;
    • Shady Aziza
      Shady Aziza over 6 years
      I have edited the answer to make it more clear on how to use List.sort().
  • Charles Jr
    Charles Jr over 6 years
    @azia Please look at my other OPTION I've added. I'm trying to sort without building Video lists