maven bad class javax.annotation.PostConstruct


For java < 1.6 you need to use this dependency to get the JSR-250 annotations such as PostConstruct

  <!--  Only bundled with java 1.6+ -->
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Updated on June 21, 2022


  • sarmahdi
    sarmahdi about 2 years

    I am trying to build a war project. and on compile it gives me this error:

    [compiler:compile] Compiling 432 source files to C:\Beta\ECORP5\ECORP5-web\target\classes ------------------------------------------------------------- COMPILATION ERROR : ------------------------------------------------------------- \Beta\fin\fin-web\src\main\java\com\comp\fin\utils\[23,-1] cannot access javax.annotation.PostConstruct bad class file: C:\Beta\fin\fin-web\target\endorsed\javaee-endorsed-api-6.0.jar(javax/annotation/PostConstruct.class) class file has wrong version 50.0, should be 49.0 1 error

    I am not able to get rid of this error. I am using java 6 and jdk 1.5 here is my POM.xml or part of it without unrelated stuff:

    > <**?**xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?**> <**project
    > xmlns=""
    > xmlns:xsi=""
    > xsi:schemaLocation="
    >     <*parent>
    >         <*artifactId>fin<*/artifactId>
    >         <*groupId>com.comps<*/groupId>
    >         <*version>1.0-SNAPSHOT<*/version>
    >     <*/parent>
    >     <groupId>com.comps</groupId>
    >     <artifactId>fin-web</artifactId>
    >     <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
    >     <packaging>war</packaging>
    >     <name>fin-web</name>
    >     <properties>
    >         <endorsed.dir>${}/endorsed</endorsed.dir>
    >         <>UTF-8</>
    >     </properties>
    >     <dependencies>
    >         <dependency>
    >             <groupId>javax</groupId>
    >             <artifactId>javaee-web-api</artifactId>
    >             **<version>6.0</version>**            
    >         </dependency>
    >     </dependencies>
    >     <build>
    >         <plugins>
    >             <plugin>
    >                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
    >                 <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
    >                 <version>2.3.2</version>
    >                 <configuration>
    >                     <**source>1.5</source>
    >                     <target>1.5</target>**
    >                     <compilerArguments>
    >                         <endorseddirs>${endorsed.dir}</endorseddirs>
    >                     </compilerArguments>
    >                 </configuration>
    >             </plugin>
    >             <plugin>
    >                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
    >                 <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
    >                 <version>2.1.1</version>
    >                 <configuration>
    >                     <failOnMissingWebXml>false</failOnMissingWebXml>
    >                 </configuration>
    >             </plugin>
    >             <plugin>
    >                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
    >                 <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
    >                 <version>2.1</version>
    >                 <executions>
    >                     <execution>
    >                         <phase>validate</phase>
    >                         <goals>
    >                             <goal>copy</goal>
    >                         </goals>
    >                         <configuration>
    >                             <outputDirectory>${endorsed.dir}</outputDirectory>
    >                             <silent>true</silent>
    >                             <artifactItems>
    >                                 <artifactItem>
    >                                     <groupId>javax</groupId>
    >                                     <artifactId>javaee-endorsed-api</artifactId>
    >                                     <version>6.0</version>
    >                                     <type>jar</type>
    >                                 </artifactItem>
    >                             </artifactItems>
    >                         </configuration>
    >                     </execution>
    >                 </executions>
    >             </plugin>
    >         </plugins>
    >     </build>
    > </project>

    I am using NetBeans IDE to create an ear project and this is the POM of the war module. I am building it separately. I dont think that should be a problem.

    I will appreciate if some one can tell me what is wrong here that it gives this error.

    On a side note: When I created the Maven Ear project it was using JavaEE 6 so the war module was also using Java EE 6 but when I added some files in the webApp directory of the war module the Java EE version changed in the war module properties to Java EE 1.4 I don't know how it is doing that and why or which file is making it change on module level.

    • AHungerArtist
      AHungerArtist over 12 years
      That right there is the problem. You need to get it back on using a higher Jave EE version. That's what that mismatch is telling you.
    • dma_k
      dma_k over 12 years
      It looks like your maven-compiler-plugin as at 1.5 level. Check it.