Maven JAXB plugin executing only one excecution


Solution 1

I solved the problem. I have changed the maven jaxb plugin into maven jaxb2 plugin and now everything works. Now my maven configuration looks like this:


Solution 2

For people coming in to this question as I did, a year later :/

The problem persists in maven-jaxb2-plugin aswell, it's probably some sort of bug in 0.8.3. When you generate the files into the same directory, the plugin "thinks" that the files have allready been generated and skips that second execution.

I found that in order to generate the second execution you will have to set the argument


In the configuration section.

Solution 3

I am using jaxb2 while still was facing the problem when I reached here. I added the below piece into config from other folks answers and it works now. For previous answers the part that did the trick should be:


Also a unique execution id is needed


But different directories make the code lies into two top level packages, so at last I am using:


Solution 4

First, I would recommend to specify separate output folders for each xsd <outputdirectory>${basedir}/target/generated-sources/xjc</outputdirectory>

And second, try to set it up as separate plugin entries, no separate executions:

Paulius Matulionis
Author by

Paulius Matulionis

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Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Paulius Matulionis
    Paulius Matulionis almost 2 years

    I am trying to generated sources from two XSD schemas. My JAXB maven plugin looks like this:


    The first one gets generated fine. But the second one does not. I see in the maven output:

    [INFO] --- maven-jaxb-plugin:1.1.1:generate (GenerateKenexa) @ ---
    [INFO] Compiling file:/D:/Projects/GTIWebApplications/gti_online_tests_management/src/main/resources/xsd/KenexaXMLConfiguration.xsd
    [INFO] Writing output to D:\Projects\GTIWebApplications\gti_online_tests_management\target\generated-sources\xjc
    [INFO] --- maven-jaxb-plugin:1.1.1:generate (GenerateTalentQ) @ ---
    [INFO] files are up to date

    It says that files are up to date, but they aren't even generated. What might be wrong?