Mcrypt PHP extension required. Laravel, Xampp error


Solution 1

The desired Mcrypt PHP extension is packaged in a different package, namely php5-mcrypt. To get this package installed on your machine, you can use apt-get, like this:

sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt

In addition, PHP extensions have to be registered with the correct Server API (SAPI); there is a command-line tool called php5enmod provided by the packager to simplify this process; e.g.

sudo php5enmod mcrypt

will add the correct line to all the relevant php.ini files.

Solution 2

Enable the PHP mcrypt module before installing Laravel.

Using the command: sudo php5enmod mcrypt


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Sisyphus Excerpt
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Sisyphus Excerpt

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Sisyphus Excerpt
    Sisyphus Excerpt over 1 year

    I'm having trouble with Ubuntu 14.04, Xampp and Laravel. I'm getting Mcrypt PHP extension required. Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the post-install-cmd event returned with an error when try to install laravel.

    I know there are several thread on it and I tried most of them but no luck.

  • toesslab
    toesslab over 9 years
    +1 But, as @Whaaaaaat commented, I'd like to understand things as newbie linux user
  • Sisyphus Excerpt
    Sisyphus Excerpt about 9 years
    Thanks Everyone. If you already install PHPMyadmin you don't need to install mycrypt again. Make sure myscrypt is enabled. Just execute the following code: sudo php5enmod mcrypt