Mercurial says "abort: outstanding uncommitted changes", I don't want to commit


Solution 1

Use the attic extension to shelve/save work-in-progress temporarily.

Solution 2

If you don't want to use shelve, you can do it with just 3 commands:

hg diff > mylocalchanges.txt

hg revert -a

# Do your merge here, once you are done, import back your local mods

hg import --no-commit mylocalchanges.txt

Solution 3

A workflow for people developing several features/bug fixes at the same time:

One possibility would be to clone as many repositories as features you develop. But this might be expensive in disk space, time, and also confusing. An other possibility is to work on different subject on the same local repository (let's call it Main) but use just a second one to selectively commit one or several desired features to the central repository.

This is very well explained and detailed in this article:

If you ever encounter the following error messages:

  • “abort: push creates new remote heads!” (potential multiple heads)
  • “abort: crosses branches (use 'hg merge' or 'hg update -C')” (working dir in a different branch than pulled changes), or
  • “abort: outstanding uncommitted changes” (impossible to merge because of local modifications)

then the article above explains why all this is happening, and proposes a workflow to avoid these problems. Note: it is also possible to use mqueues patch mechanism to push your changes (see comment#1 of the article).

Hope it'll help.

Solution 4

I usually use the TortoiseHg shelve extension, which you can also activate to use on your cmdline:

tortoisehg.util.hgshelve =

Now you can use the commands:

$ hg shelve

If you know that the update won't interfere with our work, you can also force pull/update (hg pull -f).

Solution 5

If you're pushing just to expose code to the network so that you can pull and continue working at home, I don't know that your colleague should be pushing to the same repo. You could consider using a developer repository: a repo for your personal use (either by permissions, or just by enforcement/politeness).

Certain program (such as FogCreek's Kiln SW) provide this capability, but even if you just store repos on a network/shared drive, you should be able to create a personal repo there.

If this is not the case (ie: you don't have server permissions), you can also consider using a named branch. In this case, you would simply commit to your named branch and push that branch to the server. Presumably your colleague would leave your named branches alone and there would be nothing new to pull and merge. In terms of "branch clutter", yes they are present for the lifetime of the repo, but closing the named branch just before merging will remove them from your sight and resolve some issues.

> hg update <branch name>
> hg commit --close-branch -m 'closing branch <branch name>'

At the end of the day, I don't consider branch clutter to be a major concern unless you (a) have a giant team or (b) aren't closing your branches.

Emanuel Landeholm
Author by

Emanuel Landeholm

Hello! I'm a computer programmer. I'm currently working as a freelance programmer. My areas of relative expertise and interests include: Strong background in Computer Science topics like abstract datatypes and complexity analysis Rehabilitated C programmer. I know my way around POSIX Audio DSP geek with knowledge in synthesis and analysis methods Knowledge in discrete mathematics, combinatorics, linear systems, numerical methods, calculus, probability theory, number theory The fruitful intersection of functional and object oriented programming Python 2/3, scipy/numpy and jupyter Linux geek since the previous century (using, programming and administrating Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora and Gentoo) The LAMP stack Bash/Perl/Awk programming experience Javascript apprentice with CSS, DOM and jQuery knowledge Knowledge in (Common, e-) lisp and Scheme C-64 coder (BASIC V2.0 and 6510 machine code) Amiga 500 / MC68000 coder HP-48 / RPN programming Random achievements: I have been involved in designing and programming a web search service essentially from the bottom up. Back end and front end. I coded a Break Out clone in C and assembly for the Amiga 500 and another one in machine code for the C-64 Several man-months of machine coding demo effects on the C-64 and Amiga 500 I have contributed to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences: This is my github:

Updated on February 28, 2020


  • Emanuel Landeholm
    Emanuel Landeholm over 4 years

    Scenario: Local repo, before I leave the office

    $ hg status
    M important/update1
    M another/important/update2
    M work/in/progress

    I want to commit and push important/update1 and important/update2, because I want to pull these files to my local repo when I get home. I'm not ready to commit work/in/progress. In fact it does not even parse correctly. That file is opened in my IDE and I just want to leave it as it is.

    Now I do: (hurriedly, the tram leaves in three minutes)

    $ hg commit important/update1 another/important/update2
    $ hg push
    pushing to https://**censored**
    searching for changes
    abort: push creates new remote heads on branch 'default'!
    (did you forget to merge? use push -f to force)

    Ok. Colleague has pushed something... (tram leaves in two minutes...)

    $ hg pull (really important update!)
    $ hg update
    abort: outstanding uncommitted changes

    Crap. I need colleagues' update but I'm not going to commit work/in/progress, much less push it! And I just missed my tram...

    How do you deal with this?