Merge all pdf files from one folder


Solution 1

I would use pdfunite. It is nice and simple. cd to your directory. Then use something like this:

pdfunite *.pdf all.pdf

(Before running, make sure you don't already have a file called all.pdf in that directory.)

Solution 2

Thanks to steeldriver who showed me that this is doing the job:

pdftk *.pdf cat output mergedfiles.pdf

Solution 3

You can use qpdf as pdftk is not available in Ubuntu Bionic:

qpdf --empty --pages *.pdf -- out.pdf

Solution 4

  1. sudo apt-get install gs
  2. gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=target.pdf -dBATCH xx.pdf xx.pdf xx.pdf ...
  3. you can get all filenames through ls -l *.pdf | awk command

Wish it helps . ^_^

Solution 5

You can use pdftools:

pdftools --input-dir dir_with_pdfs --output output.pdf

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Adam
    Adam over 1 year

    I have 250 pdf files in one folder that I want to merge in one document. The order does not matter. Is there a simple way of doing it?

    I can use PDF-Shuffler as suggested here but the progam hangs for 10 minutes befor it has loaded all the pdfs.

    Can I achive this maybe with an inline command like

    pdftk *.pdf output mergedfiles.pdf


    • steeldriver
      steeldriver over 7 years
      Your pdftk command is just missing a cat I think: pdftk *.pdf cat output mergedfiles.pdf
    • Adam
      Adam about 6 years
      @steeldriver if you write an answer I would mark it as chekced.
  • MERose
    MERose almost 7 years
    On Ubuntu 16.04 I get E: Package 'gs' has no installation candidate.
  • edesz
    edesz about 5 years
    Using pdfunite version 0.68.0 with Ubuntu 18.10, I had to use pdfunite * all.pdf. When I tried pdfunite *.pdf all.pdf, it gave me the following error I/O Error: Couldn't open file '*.pdf': No such file or directory. Syntax Error: Could not merge damaged documents ('*.pdf') .
  • parisa
    parisa almost 5 years
    Worked in Ubuntu 18.04. Thanks.
  • rob grune
    rob grune over 4 years
    I have Kubuntu 19.10. this pdftk does not work.