Merge multiple columns values in one column in one row Oracle SQL


Solution 1

You don't need a listagg for this, you can just concat all the columns as follows -

select colnum, col1||','||col2||','||col3 as col1234
from columnMerger

1       a,b,c

Solution 2

While you don't need to use UNPIVOT in this case - and it probably is overkill - to use LISTAGG() with your UNPIVOT query you'll want to do the following:

SELECT colnum, LISTAGG(value, ',') WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY value ) AS col1234
  FROM (
    SELECT colnum, value
      FROM columnmerger
        value for node IN (col1, col2, col3)
) GROUP BY colnum;

The reason, I think, you're getting the error with LISTAGG() is that the function expects a scalar value for each row. (You were also missing an IN in your UNPIVOT clause.)

If you need distinct values then you'll want something like the following:

SELECT colnum, LISTAGG(value, ',') WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY value ) AS col1234
  FROM (
    SELECT DISTINCT colnum, value
      FROM columnmerger
        value for node IN (col1, col2, col3)
) GROUP BY colnum;

Hope this helps.

Author by


Updated on June 14, 2022


  • JustLift
    JustLift about 2 years

    I have got multiple columns that needs to be aggregated into column in a single row.


    Table name: columnMerger
    colNum col1 col2 col3
    1      a    b    c   


    colNum      col1234
    1           a, b, c

    Step 1, I used unpivot to bring all in one column

     select colNum, value from columnMerger unpivot (value for node (col1, col2, col3)); 


    colNum  value
    1       a
    1       b
    1       c

    Step 2, Brought listagg, to merge the columns however I get error

    "single-row subquery returns more than one row"

    select colNum, listagg((
    select distinct value from columnMerger unpivot (value for node (col1, col2, col3)), ',') 
    within group (order by colNum) from columnMerger group by colNum; 

    Any help would be grateful, thanks.

  • JustLift
    JustLift about 6 years
    Awesome. Also is there way where I can all columns in one statement (using wildcard or such i.e. select colnum, column_names like col% as col1234....).
  • shrek
    shrek about 6 years
    Nope, not that I am aware of.
  • David Faber
    David Faber about 6 years
    @JustLift, you could do that in PL/SQL by querying the data dictionary, then using dynamic SQL.
  • JustLift
    JustLift about 6 years
    Thanks @David Faber, its Awesome this does the job too.
  • JustLift
    JustLift about 6 years
    @DavidFaber, Taking the second answer given below, I was thinking of replacing co1, col2, col3 and write, select column_name from all_tab_columns where table_name='columnMerger' and owner='ownerName' and column_name like 'col%'. However cannot process, not sure if you can bring select statement here.
  • David Faber
    David Faber about 6 years
    @JustLift, that SELECT statement probably wouldn't work unless your object names were actually in mixed case. But what you would have to do is take the results of that SELECT, put into a string, and then process using the DBMS_SQL package.
  • JustLift
    JustLift about 6 years
    I wonder how we can not sort out when we are doing listagg and unpivot. For example, if col 1 has b, col 2 and c and col 3 has a. I want to list the values as it is (b, c, a) however it is sorting out and giving me (a, b, c)
  • JustLift
    JustLift about 6 years
    @shrek, Hi, just a quick question lets say if the value of col 3 is null, can we do something that we can ignore the null ones but still call them in initial stage.
  • shrek
    shrek about 6 years
    WITH A AS( SELECT 'A' AS C1, 'B' AS C2, NULL AS C3, NULL AS C4, 'E' AS C5, NULL AS C6 FROM DUAL ) SELECT RTRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(C1||','||C2||','||C3||','||C4||','||C5|‌​|','||C6,'[,]+',',')‌​,',') FROM A;
  • shrek
    shrek about 6 years
    Output is - A,B,E
  • David Faber
    David Faber about 2 years
    @JustLift you could try ORDER BY NULL but I don't know that it would work