Merge query returning ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables


if you see i used distinct in both of the queries so duplicating of rows is not an issue.

You probably have duplicates in data. DISTINCT does not guarantee you have IdToUpdate unique when you use it with other columns. See:

CREATE TABLE #MyTable(IdToUpdate INT, LogSetIdToUpdateTo INT);

INSERT INTO #MyTable VALUES (1,1), (1,2), (2,1),(3,1);

SELECT DISTINCT IdToUpdate, LogSetIdToUpdateTo
FROM #MyTable;


You will get IdToUpdate twice. Check your data:

with cte AS (
  select distinct nullLogSetId.Id as IdToUpdate,
                  knownLogSetId.LogSetId LogSetIdToUpdateTo
  from MyTable knownLogSetId 
  join MyTable nullLogSetId
    on knownLogSetId.IdentifierType = nullLogSetId.IdentifierType 
   and knownLogSetId.Identifier = nullLogSetId.Identifier 
    knownLogSetId.IdentifierType = 'DEF'
    and knownLogSetId.LogSetId >= 0 
    and nullLogSetId.LogSetId = -1
SELECT IdToUpdate, COUNT(*) AS c
FROM cte

One way to go is to use aggregation function(MAX/MIN) instead of DISTINCT:

merge into MyTable

  select nullLogSetId.Id as IdToUpdate,
         MAX(knownLogSetId.LogSetId) AS LogSetIdToUpdateTo 
  from MyTable knownLogSetId 
  join MyTable nullLogSetId
    on knownLogSetId.IdentifierType = nullLogSetId.IdentifierType 
   and knownLogSetId.Identifier = nullLogSetId.Identifier 
    knownLogSetId.IdentifierType = 'DEF'
    and knownLogSetId.LogSetId >= 0 
    and nullLogSetId.LogSetId = -1
  GROUP BY nullLogSetId.Id
) on (Id = IdToUpdate)
when matched then
update set LogSetId = LogSetIdToUpdateTo
Author by


Updated on November 11, 2020


  • Anamay
    Anamay over 3 years

    I have two merge queries which triggers one after another

    First Query

    merge into MyTable
    select distinct nullLogSetId.Id as IdToUpdate,
           knownLogSetId.LogSetId LogSetIdToUpdateTo
    from MyTable knownLogSetId 
    join MyTable nullLogSetId
      on knownLogSetId.IdentifierType = nullLogSetId.IdentifierType
     and knownLogSetId.Identifier = nullLogSetId.Identifier 
        knownLogSetId.IdentifierType = 'ABC'
        and knownLogSetId.LogSetId >= 0 
        and nullLogSetId.LogSetId = -1
    on (Id = IdToUpdate)
    when matched then
    update set LogSetId = LogSetIdToUpdateTo

    Second Query

    merge into MyTable
      select distinct nullLogSetId.Id as IdToUpdate,
                      knownLogSetId.LogSetId LogSetIdToUpdateTo
      from MyTable knownLogSetId 
      join MyTable nullLogSetId
        on knownLogSetId.IdentifierType = nullLogSetId.IdentifierType 
       and knownLogSetId.Identifier = nullLogSetId.Identifier 
        knownLogSetId.IdentifierType = 'DEF'
        and knownLogSetId.LogSetId >= 0 
        and nullLogSetId.LogSetId = -1
    ) on (Id = IdToUpdate)
    when matched then
    update set LogSetId = LogSetIdToUpdateTo

    I am calling these queries from .NET one after another using OracleCommand

    The first works fine but when second gets triggered i am getting error

    ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

    I have read all the relevent questions and tried from my side as well , if you see i used distinct in both of the queries so duplicating of rows is not an issue. Can please anybody help me out what i am i doing wrong , it could be a basic stuff as i am new to queries , please help me out

  • Anamay
    Anamay over 8 years
    Thanks alot @lad2025 the distinct cause me overconfident your answer was perfect.
  • Lukasz Szozda
    Lukasz Szozda over 8 years
    @Anamay You're welcome. One lesson in SQL world is to never take anything for granted. Check it first. :)