Mock a JPA CriteriaBuilder with Mockito


It turns out you can return mocks from other mocks - so long as you set the right arguments! I was attempting to assert:


When what I actually wanted was to pass in a Class:


The error was Mockito's cryptic way of telling me I had screwed up my expectation.

However, I may look into rewriting this test rather than translating what was originally written. As some have pointed out; it's often better to avoid mocking libraries in this way, and the condition being checked for is rather vague.

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A senior software developer with an extensive background in Web and mobile technology. Has a passion for creative and modern product development, working with small to medium-sized teams in an Agile environment. Practical experience in project and team management.

Updated on June 30, 2022


  • seanhodges
    seanhodges almost 2 years

    I have a particularly nasty JMock checking() block for a JPA query that I want to migrate to Mockito:

    Mockery jMock = new Mockery();
    final EntityManager fakeEntityManager = jMock.mock(EntityManager.class);
    final CriteriaBuilder fakeCriteriaBuilder = jMock.mock(CriteriaBuilder.class);
    final CriteriaQuery<String> fakeCriteriaQuery = jMock.mock(CriteriaQuery.class);
    jMock.checking(new Expectations() {{
        oneOf(fakeEntityManager).getCriteriaBuilder(); will(returnValue(fakeCriteriaBuilder));
        oneOf(fakeCriteriaBuilder).createQuery(String.class); will(returnValue(fakeCriteriaQuery));
        // Return an empty resultset

    The code being tested looks like this:

    CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<String> criteria = builder.createQuery(String.class);
    Root<Archiveusergrouplicences> institution = criteria.from(Archiveusergrouplicences.class);;    
    List<String> result = entityManager.createQuery(criteria).getResultList();

    I've found this question on mocking builders, which goes some way to solving the CriteriaBuilder part of the mock; but my main problem is with using mocked objects as the .thenReturn() value of another mock - Mockito does not seem to allow that. For example, for the line:

    CriteriaQuery<String> criteria = builder.createQuery(String.class);

    I want to return the mock CriteriaQuery object, like this:

    CriteriaQuery<String> fakeCriteriaQuery = mock(CriteriaQuery.class, RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);

    This throws a syntax error:

    The method thenReturn(Query) in the type OngoingStubbing is not applicable for the arguments (CriteriaQuery)

    How might I go about testing this code, or improving it to make it more testable?