Mockito - Cannot instantiate @InjectMocks


You are using @InjectMocks annotation, which creates an instance of ServiceImpl class. Because your constructor is trying to get implementation from factory: Client.getDaoFactory().getOfficeDAO() you have NPE.

Make sure what is returned by Client.getDaoFactory(). I bet it returns null and that's the problem :) Refactor your code, so that DaoFactory is passed via parameter rather than using static.

I see you have a different exception right now. But based on the code I cannot really tell more. Please, provide full example of failing test.

Arpit Aggarwal
Author by

Arpit Aggarwal

Software Artist linkedin

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Arpit Aggarwal
    Arpit Aggarwal about 2 years

    I have two private fields in my class which I am testing and these two fields are initialized in constructor.

    Now when I am trying to call using my class annotated with @InjectMocks, it is throwing exception:

     Cannot instantiate @InjectMocks field named 'ServiceImpl' of type 'class com.test.ServiceImpl'. You haven't provided the instance at field declaration so I tried to construct the instance.

    Below is the piece of code.

    public class ServiceImpl implements Service {
    private OfficeDAO officeDAO ;
    private DBDAO dbDAO ;
    public ServiceImpl() {
    officeDAO = Client.getDaoFactory().getOfficeDAO();
    dbDAO = Client.getDaoFactory().getDBDAO();

    My test class:

    public class ServiceImplTest {
        private OfficeDAO officeDAO;
        private DBDAO dbDAO;
        Client client;
        private ServiceImpl serviceImpl;
        private Logger log;
        public void setUp() throws Exception {

    Please help me how I can resolve it. Any help will be appreciated.

  • Arpit Aggarwal
    Arpit Aggarwal over 9 years
    I am having another dependency which i mocked. In my test class I can see it's mocked but when control is going to service class it is coming as null.
  • Arpit Aggarwal
    Arpit Aggarwal over 9 years
    @Test public void testGetOfficeForOperator() throws Exception { when(asignmentDao.getOfficeForOperator(Mockito.anyString()‌​)).thenReturn( serviceImplTestData.getAssignmentList()); serviceImpl.getOfficeForOperator("ABC", new Date(), new Date());}