Modify Twitter Bootstrap collapse plugin to keep accordions open


Solution 1

I have forked and updated your fiddle.

just go to .show function, I have written also the comments.

Solution 2

Actually, you don't need to modify any code. Read the following statement closely from twitterbootstrap site

Just add data-toggle="collapse" and a data-target to element to automatically assign control of a collapsible element. The data-target attribute accepts a css selector to apply the collapse to. Be sure to add the class collapse to the collapsible element. If you'd like it to default open, add the additional class in.

So instead of using data-parent='#idofAccordion', use data-target='#idofCollapseItem'.

It should work perfectly.

Here is the demo on plunker

Solution 3

since the question didn't refer to a specific version of Bootstrap, here's a bootstrap 4 solution: remove the data-parent="#accordion" from the tags with the data-toggle="collapse" attribute. It's the example taken from the Collapse documentation with the data-parent=#accordion" bit taken out.


Hugh Jass
Author by

Hugh Jass

Updated on July 22, 2022


  • Hugh Jass
    Hugh Jass almost 2 years

    I'm trying to modify the Bootstrap collapse plugin to allow me to specify whether clicking an accordion (to open) should automatically close the other items in the accordion (so more than one item in the accordion can be open at a time)

    I want to create a new data attribute on the accordion, something like data-collapse-type="auto|manual"

    The bootstrap jQuery plugins are a bit advanced for my skill level. The most relevant part of what I need to mess with seems to be on line 52, actives.collapse('hide'). I don't want that to happen if 'data-collapse-type="manual"' is set (omitting the attribute or setting auto should keep the default behavior).

    I've created a jsfiddle where I've been experiementing.

    Can anyone help get me on the right track with this?

  • Hugh Jass
    Hugh Jass about 12 years
    This is prefect. Now that I see the solution, I'm certain I was overthinking it. Thanks for the quick help!
  • liwp
    liwp over 11 years
    The jsfiddle doesn't work for me: Item #1 doesn't expand at all, and I can't expand Item #2 and Item #3 at the same time. But I was able to make it work in my own app. Much nicer than hacking bootstrap.js!
  • maxisam
    maxisam over 11 years
    Yeah, I was lazy, I only modified the first 1. Anyway, I fixed it now.
  • dacopenhagen
    dacopenhagen over 11 years
    This demo appears to have dissapeared, could you reload in jsfiddle?
  • maxisam
    maxisam over 11 years
    It is still there. You can try it again
  • David Jones
    David Jones over 11 years
    Definitely a better answer. No modification necessary.
  • Kerry Liu
    Kerry Liu almost 11 years
    Surya, you're correct, all you need to do is to remove the data-parent attribute.
  • CheeHow
    CheeHow over 10 years
    This works fine for me as well! +1 for making use of the attribute data-target
  • Alex
    Alex over 10 years
    This is exact opposite to what was asked !
  • Jack Murphy
    Jack Murphy about 10 years
    while this technically works - just be aware that modifying the core bootstrap js could lead to maintenance issues down the line, and the other answers use a declarative && supported approach to solve the problem.