Mongoose - delete subdocument array item


Solution 1

The $pull operator actually just performs the conditions on the array element on which it is operating. It seems that your question might not actually show that you are probably working with an ObjectId value that mongoose creates by default for all array fields.

So you could to your query like this, after importing the ObjectId creation method:

model.findByIdAndUpdate(23, {
    '$pull': {
        'contacts':{ '_id': new ObjectId(someStringValue) }

Or in fact you can actually define your "schema" a little better, and mongoose will actually "autocast" the ObjectId for you based on the "type" defined in the schema:

var contactSchema = new Schema({
    approved: Boolean

var userSchema = new Schema({
    username: String,
    contacts: [contactSchema]

This allows mongoose to "follow the rules" for strictly typed field definitions. So now it knows that you actually have an _id field for each element of the contacts array, and the "type" of that field is actually an ObjectId so it will automatically re-cast "String" values supplied as a true ObjectId.

Solution 2



"imgs" : {"other" : [ {
        "crop" : "../uploads/584251f58148e3150fa5c1a7/photo_2016-11-09_21-38-55.jpg",
        "origin" : "../uploads/584251f58148e3150fa5c1a7/o-photo_2016-11-09_21-38-55.jpg",
        "_id" : ObjectId("58433bdcf75adf27cb1e8608")
router.get('/obj/:id',  function(req, res) {
var id =;

Model.findOne({'imgs.other._id': id}, function (err, result) {;;            
Author by



Updated on June 04, 2022


  • itsme
    itsme almost 2 years

    I have this little schema for users:

     username: String,
     contacts: Array

    So for example some user's contacts will look like this:

     username: "user",
     contacts: [{'id': ObjectId('525.....etc'), 'approved': false}, {'id':ObjectId('534.....etc'), 'approved': true}]

    Now I need to delete an item from contacts so I do:

    model.findByIdAndUpdate(23, {'$pull': {

    but seems not working, no errors but it doesn't gets deleted, I just would like to return this document for the user:

         username: "user",
         contacts: [{'id':ObjectId('534.....etc'), 'approved': false}]

    how to achieve this?

  • itsme
    itsme over 9 years
    hi thanks but now i got this error : [MongoError: exception: cannot use the part (contacts of to traverse the element ({contacts: [ { id: ObjectId('543394bb964ac60915ceba8b'), approved: false }, { id: ObjectId('543399f9964ac60915ceba8c'), approved: false } ]}) what this could be? i used your dot annotation –
  • Neil Lunn
    Neil Lunn over 9 years
    @sbaaaang What are you actually doing? Are you using the "dot notation" form as you were told to? BTW Thanks for clearly showing that your actual data differs from how you posted which is probably part of the problem here again. Please edit to show your real data structure.
  • itsme
    itsme over 9 years
    yes using dot notation like u said, yes im using ObjectIds but well that is not the problem i guess :P nope? (edited question)
  • itsme
    itsme over 9 years
    ok fixed it works as i posted in question just needed to wrap new ObjectId(idContact) when querying ;) thank you ! please edit the answer so i can accept it
  • itsme
    itsme over 9 years
    to be clear model.findByIdAndUpdate(23, {'$pull': { 'contacts':{'id': new ObjectId('525.....etc')} }}); WORKS
  • Neil Lunn
    Neil Lunn over 9 years
    @sbaaaang Should have paid more attention that you were using mongoose really. There is a certain way to do things that you don't seem to be aware of that you can learn from. You don't need to manually "cast" when you do things as are displayed. This is why you should post your "real data" and "query" in questions. Don't make it up.