Mount point name changed


Changing your mountpoint needs three actions: changing the entry in /etc/fstab (be careful), creating the directory where it should be mounted (if necessary, but in your case it possibly exists already), and you will probably want to change the partition label as well (if necessary), to have the right name appear in the devices overview in nautilus.

No need to say that you ALWAYS need to make backups before you change anything.

if it is a data only partion:

1. Edit the existing entry in fstab

Run in terminal:

sudo gedit /etc/fstab

Lookup the entry with mountpoint: "stuff1", change it to "stuff" (check first if there is no entry with "stuff" already), do not touch the rest. In the line, you can see in what directory the partition is mounted (the section that ends with "stuff").

2. Create a directory to mount into

Create (if necessary) in the same directory a folder named "stuff", but as said, it probably exists already":

sudo mkdir /path_to_stuff/stuff

On next restart, you will find your documents in "stuff".

3. Changing the partition label:

There is a chance that you need to change the partition label. You can check that by looking in the device overview in nautilus. If that is "stuff" already, skip step 3. If not: the best is to do it with Gparted, which you will have to install. Open Gparted. In the partition overview, right-click on the partition with label "stuff1", choose "unmount". When it is unmounted, right-click again and choose "label". Rename it to "stuff". After renaming the label of the partition, close Gparted and run:

sudo mount -a.

Probably you will also have to rename the nautilus bookmark: open a nautilus window, from the menu, choose Bookmarks > Bookmarks. Rename the bookmark.


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Ahmed Garhy
Author by

Ahmed Garhy

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Ahmed Garhy
    Ahmed Garhy almost 2 years

    Is there a good way or library to log each method in my android app using something like interceptors or anything else .. but without writing more code to add the below line

    Log.d("KEY", "Method name(params)");
  • Ahmed Garhy
    Ahmed Garhy almost 7 years
    I used this library before, but my question is how to use it without writing more code in my android app .. I need something like intercepting the code .. not to adding logs in each method .. thanks for ur reply
  • Oğuzhan Döngül
    Oğuzhan Döngül almost 7 years
    @ahmedewess you have to write at least 1 line each event/medhod you want to be logged. There is no alternative way to do it. There is no Library or AI exists to guess what you want to do it.