MS Chart Control: Formatting Axis Labels


If you set BackColor of the chart to Color.Transparent, You need to set AntiAliasing="Graphics".

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Updated on June 14, 2022


  • phreeskier
    phreeskier almost 2 years

    I have questions about formatting the axis labels of the MS ASP.NET chart control. Before I dive into my questions, please take a look at this screenshot.

    enter image description here

    As you can see in the screenshot, the axis labels are hard to read and appear to be bolded. Now, my questions are:

    • Which default chart properties cause the axis labels to not look like Arial 11px regular, i.e. bolding and close characters?
    • How can the appearance of the axis labels be easier to read and cleaned up, i.e. regular font weight and separation between characters?

    The responsible code is:

    public Chart GetChart(ChartData chartDataData, IChartSettings settings)
        var chart = new Chart
            BackColor = Color.Transparent,
            Height = settings.Height,
            Palette = ChartColorPalette.None,
            PaletteCustomColors = settings.PaletterCustomColors.ToArray(),
            Width = settings.Width
        if (settings.ShowLegend)
            chart.Legends.Add("Legend").Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
        foreach (var seriesData in chartDataData.Series)
            AddSeries(chart, seriesData, settings.ChartType);
        return chart;
    private void AddChartArea(Chart chart)
        var area = new ChartArea();
        area.AxisX.LabelStyle.Angle = -45;
        area.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.Transparent;
        area.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = area.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 11, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
    private void AddSeries(Chart chart, SeriesData data, SeriesChartType chartType)
        var series = new Series
            ChartType = chartType,
            Name = data.Name,
            ToolTip = data.Name,
            Url = data.Url
        foreach (var pointData in data.Points)
            AddPoint(series, pointData.XValue, pointData.YValue);
    private void AddPoint(Series series, string xValue, float yValue)
        var point = new DataPoint
            AxisLabel = xValue
        point.SetValueXY(xValue, yValue);

    where the code for the settings object is:

    public static ChartSettings TaskSummary = new ChartSettings
        ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedColumn,
        Height = Unit.Pixel(300),
        Width = Unit.Pixel(450),
        PaletterCustomColors = new[]
            Color.FromArgb(191, 214, 151),
            Color.FromArgb(249, 255, 149),
            Color.FromArgb(191, 79, 75),
        ShowLegend = true

    Thanks for the help.

    • scrat.squirrel
      scrat.squirrel over 12 years
      Did you try area.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font.Bold = false? Also, play with the font size, i.e. change it to 12 and see how does it draw then...
  • KFL
    KFL over 7 years
    Could you reference the documentation and explain why it works?
  • KFL
    KFL over 7 years
    The best explanation for this fix I can find is in here. Quoted: "The issue lies 'deep' in the GDI+ used by the chart control... When you draw text in the image with transparent backgroundand you are using text anti-aliasing, GDI+ uses Black color as a default background to calculate anti-aliasing affect. You can either set solid color as a background or you can turn off text anti-aliasing using Chart.AntiAliasing=AntiAliasingStyles.Graphics;"